Juzondezani Ideas

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-10% Land Maintenance Modifier
+15% Reinforce Speed

The Great Dragon HostIn late 14th century the Rzentur realms were unified and declared a great holy war to conquer all of Dolindha in the name of their dragon god Drozmagog. The Rzentur army became known as the Great Dragon Host by our people, or Great Heathen Host by the river cultists, its size being one of the largest recorded in Ynnic history.\n\nWhile the Rzentur were eventually defeated, and Drozmagog slain, they did manage to capture the lands now know as Juzondezan. The veterans of the Great Dragon Host settled there, and with memories of this army persist to the modern day, with the Juzondezani elves believing themselves to be its heirs.
+20% National Manpower Modifier
+10% Transport Ship Combat Ability

Halberd RegimentsNo matter what feudal lord they were fighting, the Rzentur' main enemy in Dolindha was always the same - the Dolindhan knights. Having consistantly wreaked havoc on Rzentur troops, the Juzondezani quickly began finding a way to combat them. Their solution came in the form of a weapon; halberds. Using their length to stop the charging knights, and then finishing the downed soldiers with decisive blows, Juzondezan fared far better against the Dolindhans. The halberds' quality came with a hefty price, however, and only a few select regiments were able to wield them.
+0.05 Infantry Shock
-8% Shock Damage Received

Mixed AncestryThe Rzentur elves are known to be a mix between the Old Rzentur and the old Ynnics of northern Ynn. The Juzondezani elves however take this mixture even further, having been marrying into the local Dolindhan populace ever since the time of the Great Dragon Host. Believing that the unity lies in faith, not blood, they more readily accept other Ruinborn.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Dragon Warrior LodgesTaking inspiration from their Malacnari neighbours, the Juzondezani elves established several Dragon Warrior Lodges. These lodges acted as places of social gathering, training grounds, sparring centres, hunting camps, and, in times of conflicts, military rallying points. By the middle of 15th century, there were seven known lodges active in Juzondezan.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Milk ProductsRuinborn of Ynn Urthid have long had a tradition of dairy production, which was wholeheartedly adopted by the invading Rzentur, introducing many of their own recipes and methods. Ranging from a variety of yogurts, to fermented milk, cheeses, and even a few varieties of flavored milks.
-15% Land Attrition

Following the VictorsThere's a saying that's popular in Juzondezani; 'Follow the Victors!'. This often manifests in the form of a willingness to adapt to changing situations, unfortunately often misinterpreted by other Ynnics as disloyalty or betrayel. \n\nThis was most famously displayed during the Slegcal invasion of Rzenta, during which many local nobles swore fealty to their new Eordan overlords, believing the days of the Dragon Dominion were over. When the faithful of Varlengeilt turned the tide, however, plenty of those same nobles swore their fealty to the Gospodh once more.
+10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves
-25% Change Rival Cost

The SeekersIn the wake of Juzondezan's shrewd diplomacy during the Eordan invasion, the Dominion began to keep a closer watch on the descendants of the Great Dragon Host. Wary of another betrayal should the tide turn in Rzenta, especially in the face of the rising tide of Corinism to the east, action was taken. Utilising those Juzondezani that had stayed loyal to the Dominion, the Seekers were established, a secret police organisation focused on rooting out the disloyal elements found in Dolindha. Even the sight of their dark, hooded robes might as well be a death sentence for the enemies of Drozma Tur.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition