Maytes Ideas

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+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Owners of the King MaskThe Ralyacatl, known to Cannorians as the King Mask, is the ultimate sign of our dominion over the Mayte people. Created in the ancient past, the mask contains the spirit of Xogareil, who far in the past helped our people migrate from the deserts of Haraf into the verdant forests where we now dwell. Since then, he has guided us, leader of all Kalun, fighter for our great nation. Though his body has taken many forms, his soul - the true soul of the Mayte people - lives forever.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Necali TournamentThe King Mask requires bodies for which it can control and aid. Traditionally, rather than rely on the risks of a familial line, the King Mask instead chooses those who battle for it best. While these battles could be anything, they are almost always a battle of might - a tournament of combat. This method of inheritance, the Necali, has proven a reliable tradition for centuries.\n\nIn recent years, however, the tradition has gone from a brutal but necessary competition to a symbol of pride for our nation. Standardized and expanded, matches are played in a massive arena in the center of Xaybatumba. With spectators from across Haraf, the Necali Tournament is one of the most exciting events in all of our lands.
+1 Yearly Prestige

A New Kind of HuntSince the encroachment of the Silent Watchers first shattered the Mayte tribes, there has been little hope for our people to truly recover from their evil incursions. Thus far, we have fought them vigorously - to battle a Silent Watcher is a sign of maturity, that one can protect themselves from the harsh realities of our forest. Yet we have done so alone.\n\nYet as Mayte grows, it seems a new kind of hunt has formed - one which is far more effective at reclaiming our old lands. Instead of the defensive and personal hunts of the past, new generations work with groups of fifty or more, striking down any Silent Watchers they find in given region. It is gruesome work, but the King Mask knows this new hunt is necessary.
-10% Land Attrition
-25% Native Uprising Chance

Topiqui MaskfindersLong ingrained in our culture, the Topiqui are the most devoted helping our people protect and respect the Kalun. However, as the Mayte clans have expanded, unfamiliar folk cross our territory, both Harafic and Cannorian. They lack our masks, our culture - they have not learned to respect our heritage. To meet this influx of migrants and civilians, the Topiqui have trained in turn, bringing new spirits from our soil to tie to these new settlers. Soon, all of us - new and old - will share in this ancient tradition.
+2% Missionary Strength

Behind a Kalun MaskUpon the arrival of Cannorians, Mayte warriors found themselves facing a fierce opponent with technologies and abilities which they had never seen in years prior. Yet they did not fear. Instead, many dove deeper into their history, devoting themselves to the belief that their true lives and inner lives would live on in their masks, and in time, their kin.\n\nTheir futures were secure. For now, there was no reason not to fight - even to one's last breath. In the colonial wars to come, the Cannorians would discover this unique Mayte resolve was everlasting, no matter how hard they tried to break it.
-10% Shock Damage Received

The Wrestling BandsAs the Cannorians came further into Mayte territory, much was lost. Slowly, their guns pushed past our natural brawn and skill - for many humans, disenchanted by the encroaching colonists and seeing few answers, the only choice was to leave. Most, trained from youth in marksmanship and personal valor, found success in bands of mercenaries, battling many miles from home.\n\nYet they never forget their homeland. Even as these bands have grown in renown, they maintain their traditions. They continue to speak Mayte. They wear their masks, keeping their Kalun safe. They maintain the wrestling traditions, now often in exhibitions to spectators in Trollsbay and Noruin.\n\nAnd whenever the King Mask needs them most, they never fail to come home.
-10% Mercenary Cost
+10% Mercenary Discipline

One Mask, One NationIn the later days of the Mayte kingdom, the Topiqui, the civilian government, even the revived military, all gradually seemed to recede in influence. Instead of discarding old traditions, as the lost Benter clan did, the Mayte looked to Ralyacatl, the King Mask, for guidance. And Xogariel, the greatest savior, the oldest savior, the last savior, looked upon the Mayte and lent the help he could.\n\nIn the end, the Mayte bureaucracy was streamlined, its traditions upheld, its military strengthened. But most importantly, the nation held on to its heritage. The Mayte and their ancient leader united in a moment of fleeting triumph.
+10 Maximum Absolutism

+1 Monarch Administrative Skill