Exwesser Ideas

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+20% Land Force Limit Modifier
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

The Old Fisher-NomadsBefore our people settled in Exwes, we were said to be sea nomads who had kept to the coasts as fishers - only ever setting foot on land to sell our wares. The origins of the Proto-Exwesser people are largely unknown, though many think that we come from a strange tribe of peoples who thought, that the Deep Devil Onslaughts of Antiquity destroyed most of ancient civilization, that the safest place is at sea!\n\nIf this is true, our people have blood from all over Cannor, not just the Dameshead Sea but even as far as Bulwar, for our forebears would have traveled all over the Diven and Dameshead.
+25% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Crossroad of the Lilac WarsExwes was located in the middle of the parties involved in the Lilac Wars, with many battles being fought around it and close to its borders. Despite this, Exwes tended to be avoided by enemy generals, for it was hard to supply armies in the area as its last were in a thin stretch of land between mountain and coast.\n\nThis problem was further compounded since, while Exwes might deny the fact, it was clear to both parties that Exwes didn't mind sheltering deserters. A popular anecdote from the time persists to this day saying that, 'Those who dare come through Exwes, may lose their stragglers, their hungry and their fearful to the Lilac Crossroads'.
+10% National Manpower Modifier
+1 Attrition for Enemies

The Rivergate TreatyThe Rivergate Treaty refers to a treaty made by the Duke of Exwes, Kylian Silcalas, with his cousin the King of Lorent, Reán Siloriel, at the start of the First Lilac War. With the major nobles of House Silcalas in Arbaran having joined the Moon Party, there was a lot of pressure on Kylian to follow suit. However, Kylian being cousins with the King of Lorent meant he held many Rose Party sympathies. This led to a meeting with the King of Lorent by the Rivergate to decide the role of Exwes in the upcoming conflict.\n\nHere, it was decided that it was better for Kylian to stay out of the conflict, to prevent the Silcalas family from installing a pretender. A compromise was reached with the neutrality of Exwes being guaranteed by the Rose Party and Exwes allowing military access to their members. With the Lilac Wars spiralling out of control with no end in sight, all consecutive rulers of Exwes have upheld the treaty to stay out of the conflict. Even after Arbaran switched sides in the Fourth Lilac War, Exwes remained neutral, despite the main reason for neutrality being gone. The wars at this point had proven far more trouble than they were worth.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Aleccian ToleranceThe Silcalas came to rule Exwes in the mid-13th century when Alec Silcalas, second born of the then-emperor Varil Dovecastle, married the Duchess Marianne of Exwes. While seen as a minor title by the rest of the Silcalas dynasty, who had then ruled the Marquisate of Arbaran and now the Empire of Anbennar itself, Alec and Marianne's rule was one marked with tolerance. As a foreign dynasty in Exwes, Alec made sure to be relatively lax in enforcing Silcalas views on religious and political matters to appease the local population, and become more Exwesser and Arbarani during his rule.\n\nThis lax attitude came to shape Exwes as a nation shortly after the Corinite Proclamation, when many of the disenfranchised came to Exwes to escape the religious conflict regardless of whether they supported Adean or Corin.
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

Halfling SailsThe city-state of Orston has been a de-jure part of feudal Exwes since long before the Lilac Wars, and despite their small stature the halflings of Orston play a gargantuan part in Exwes' fishing traditions. Their skill is held in high regard in Exwes for their production of the finest quality cloth, made from wool imported directly from the Rivergate of Rubyhold. However, these cloths are not used for clothing, but to produce high-quality sails.
-10% Ship Costs

The Legend of the Orange RiverAccording to legend, the first of our people arrived in Exwes during the winter. While the land was filled with snow, the Ruby River that descended from the Ruby Mountains was unfrozen and glowed orange in the dawn. The orange glow allowed our forebears to instantly spot the fish in the river, allowing them to survive the winter. It is said that whenever a strong winter came our people returned to these lands, which led to them ultimately staying here.\n\nWhile this is merely a legend, it has been forever immortalized on our banners and coat of arms.
-20% Land Attrition

Master FishersExwesser fishers practice their trade from the Ruby River to the Dameshead Sea, and our expertise in fishing in both has led to us being the undisputed masters of fishing in all of Cannor. Our fishers' talent has led to all fishing guilds in the Dameshead hiring Exwessers to ensure they aren't driven out of business by our fishers, which has led to us dominating Dameshead's fishing industry in one way or the other, and for Exwes itself being the cheapest and most reliable producers of fish in the Empire. This, and our location near the Small Country and its plentiful produce, made us the number one trade partner for the ever-growing metropolis of Anbenncóst.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

-10% Advisor Cost