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Primary Culture

+1 Colonists
-10% Infantry Cost

Building TallA prevalent thought among those who migrate to the Devand is that the land is endless and bountiful, and as such one should always be looking outwards. This is not so in Keyolíon, built originally by Oktikheioni settlers who have always been more interested in the coast, the city was never one that chose to settle much of the interior of the continent. While this does mean that the region controlled by it is smaller than most nékheis, in general the land under its rule tends to be much more densely populated and even somewhat urbanized.
-5% Construction Cost
-10% Development Cost

Cleaved Sea GalleycraftThe Cleaved Sea has always been important to our people. Its beautiful waters were the only thing other than our cities that would remain untouched by the winds of the Kaydhano and it provides the quickest way to move between settlements. Due to its essential role we have continuously sought to improve the vessels which we use to navigate it.
-10% Galley Cost
+10% Galley Combat Ability

Foundation of the NékheisWhen the Kheions of Alecand outgrew their wind-warded walls, they looked beyond the storm-ravaged island for expansion opportunities. They founded our ‘New Cities' – nékheis, to both enrich themselves and to keep those riches out of the hands of their rivals. We are the children of the nékheis, and we shall come to hold these riches ourselves.
+15 Global Settler Increase
-1 National Unrest

Grand Sugar PlantationsAs the nékheis expanded inland, the coast-loving people of Keyolíon were forced to do so as well for security reasons, lest they let their backyards be controlled by someone else. Of course, no citizen of Keyolíon wanted to actually move inland. Sugarcane was not well suited for the heights of the interior. In the 16th century, however, Keyolíoni mages reached a series of breakthroughs - sugar cane seeds that grew plants resistant to cold. The oligarchs of Keyolíon saw a golden opportunity, and established massive sugar plantations all across the interior, staffed by slaves bought from nearby Empkeios and made enormous profits. Eventually, Keyolíon would produce more sugar on a yearly basis than their parent city Oktikheion ever could and much of the economy would rely on the exportation of sugar.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Modernize the Kheionai SchoolsWhile for many centuries education has been a privately funded endeavour, our most prestigious and influential philosophers have come to the conclusion that education, both physical and intellectual, is essential for the continued thriving of our nation and our culture. Henceforth all citizens shall receive publicly funded education during their childhood.
-10% Idea Cost

Porogá GlassThough perhaps not as prestigious as the Potídhano, Porogá has an extensive glass-making tradition. Starting out as a mere hobby of the locals, soon experts from Arpedifér realized that the city was positioned in such a way that it had easy access to sand blowing from the northern desert without the contamination of the kaydhano, making it require significantly less protection and allowing for more cheaply made products. The industry exploded and, by the early 1500s, nearly a third of all glass utilized by the great kheions was produced in Keyolíon.
+10% Global Trade Power

Mass ConscriptionBy the 1800s, Keyolíon found themselves surrounded by two stronger neighbors. Empkeios occupied by The Vanbury Guild to the north, and an expansionist Eneion to the south. Threatened with a potential partitioning, Keyolíon would begin rapidly expanding its army in an attempt to keep the wolves at bay. Every citizen of Keyolíon was considered a soldier by law, and they would all serve in the army at some point in their lives.
+25% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

+20% Garrison Size


