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Primary Culture

+1 Colonists
+50% Native Assimilation

Development of the City-StateFor as far back as our records go, the city-state (the kheion) has always been at the center of the Kheionai life. Many attempts to unify the region have happened in the past, but the deadly Kaydhano sandstorm would periodically kill those caught in its winds and destroy much infrastructure outside of the cities making effective communication impossible. As such we have learned to best utilize all the space we have available.
-10% Development Cost

The First NékheiCenturies ago, shortly after the Devand was discovered by an Oktikheioni voyage, an expedition was mounted by Degakheion to investigate these new lands. What had begun as a simple reconnaissance mission soon grew to become a full blown settlement as they quickly noticed the massiveness of Devand. Under the care of Eranian, the first New City - Nékhei - was built and a new era for all of the Kheionai began. While other nékheis have grown to challenge us since then, our status as the first city built east of the Cleaved Sea is uncontestable.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Foundation of the NékheisWhen the Kheions of Alecand outgrew their wind-warded walls, they looked beyond the storm-ravaged island for expansion opportunities. They founded our ‘New Cities' – nékheis, to both enrich themselves and to keep those riches out of the hands of their rivals. We are the children of the nékheis, and we shall come to hold these riches ourselves.
+15 Global Settler Increase
-1 National Unrest

Great Works of South AelantirBe it the Grand Library of Lokemeion, the Goliath of Degakheion, the Wondrous Harbour of Ormam, or simply the vast amphitheatres and lifelike statues present in any Kheionai city, it is undeniable by any who have seen our work that we have mastered the art of architecture.
-10% Construction Cost
-1% Prestige Decay

The Trilidír LibraryUpriver from Eneion lies a confluence of three rivers, a perfect place for agriculture. Settlers were sent to the area, and farming communities grew rapidly. And in the largest of these towns, Trilidír, a library was built, the first of its kind so far inland. Its texts were primarily made up of a collection of scriptures detailing the lives of the average hardworking settler and the barbarians that oppose them. While it was not nearly as big as those in other nékheis and the great kheions in Alecand, it showed that Eneion was confident in its ability to protect its interior from barbarian attacks.
+20% Institution Spread
-5% Idea Cost

Mapping The DevandEneion was at the forefront of all exploration in The Devand. Their explorers detailed every mountain, every stream, every forest and every barbarian tribe that this new land had to offer. Detailed maps would be produced and constantly updated in order to account for changes on the ground. Such was Eneion's reputation as a city of expert explorers and guides, that whenever a group of Kheionai colonists wanted to look for a place to settle, they would almost always hire a guide from Eneion to accompany them.
+15% Movement Speed

Bridge Between CivilizationsAs the first Kheionai city to be built outside Xechtari (Alecand), Eneion has always been at the forefront of cultural exchange between the Kheionai and foreign civilizations.\n\nThe first was the Basobhar, whom early Eneioni settlers quickly made treaties with, creating a mutually beneficial relationship with the local tribes of the area. In time, Eneion became a staple part of Basobhar tribal politics, which allowed Eneion to expand much more easily into the interior of Theínós (Devand), for Eneion could rely upon its preexisting relations with Basobhar tribes to protect its frontier.\n\nThe second was the summer worshipping Caamasi to the far north. Their navigators had sailed south to explore Aelantir, and came into contact with Eneion through its fishing ships in the Kaydhano sea. The Eneioni where the first Kheionai the Caamasi met, creating a great first impression that helped establish great trading relations between the 2 mercantile civilizations.\n\nAnd finally came the Kheinor, a vast and diverse civilization from outside Aelantir. The first contact the Kheionai had with such a civilization came in the form of 3 massive exploration vessels flying lilac banners, that docked in Eneion's harbor in order to resupply. Eneioni diplomats left a great impression upon the Kheinor, and soon many more would come, in the form of merchants and mercenaries.\n\nThe legacy of these first contacts lay in the renowned diplomatic skill the Eneioni have, and the great relations that they developed with foreign nations.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

-10% Fire Damage Received


