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Primary Culture

-10% Mercenary Cost
+1 Yearly Prestige

Ynn-ward and OutwardThe world of the previous era was washed away for its sins by the Holy Ynn River. Our ancestors were but a few of the chosen to be spared, and unlike many others who set out from their mountain refuges, they knew that this new start was merely the beginning of their spiritual journey: travelling to the southern reaches of the Ynn River, they founded a community where they could worship the Ynn River undisturbed, and called it Adbrabohvi, the Divine Gate. There they would perfect the virtues that had earned them their salvation, virtues that will earn them salvation again in the coming of a second Ending Flood.\n\nWhen Emperor Gamelirn the Pious of House Ralsvelik - bless His name - visited our settlement during the seventh century after Flood, he was awed by the piety and harmony he found. He sought to replicate this type of society for the Ynnic Empire, and took lessons from our priests themselves. It was with our help that, under Gamelirn's rule, Ynn River Worship was codified, securing at least part of our salvation for the souls of greater Ynnic society.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Chrempredpadh Rituals"An elf that dies in Brelar, is an elf that floats in Adbrabohvi." This popular saying is meant to emphasize the interconnectedness of all faithful living along the shores of the holy Ynn River. As the gatekeepers of the final stretch of the Ynn preceding the Divine Waterfall, it befalls us to ensure that the many souls leaving this world receive their final farewell, and the aptly-named Chrempredpadh, "Temple-Before-the-Waterfall", is there to serve this purpose.\n\nHoly water is sprayed over the souls floating down the River from a suspended platform, and priests take turns to ensure the temple is staffed at all times. When funerary barges carrying great rulers approach, crossing tolls are not asked: rather, incense is burnt, prayers for their souls are spoken, and elegies are recited to commemorate their piety and benevolence in life.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Guvnik's OathLegend has it that in the first century after Flood, before the Sarda people wandered these lands, a great, magnanimous elf lived in the forests near the end of the Ynn. Possessing a great understanding and love for all creatures, he could befriend wolves, speak to deers, and even ride crocodiles. When Adbrabohvi was built, the elf made his home there, easily befriending the local inhabitants and amazing them with magical feats.\n\nOne day the animals near Adbrabohvi started dying, killed by a demonic creature known as wendigo: the inhabitants, terrified, hid far up in their treehouses and bolted the doors and windows shut. It was then that the elf performed his greatest miracle: he went out in the woods alone to confront the wendigo, and scolded it for the evil it was doing. He told told the demon that it was still in time to repent, and that, if it swore to repair the damage it had done, the curse on its soul would be lifted.\n\nAmazingly, the wendigo accepted, and swore an oath to defend Adbrabohvi. No wildlife died afterwards, and the wendigo's soul was allowed to find peace.\n\nToday we remember that elf as Guvnik, and all outsiders who arrive to Adbrabohvi still have to recite the oath sworn by the wendigo on that fateful day, before they are allowed to join our community.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+1% Missionary Strength
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

What All True Warriors Strive For"Buycev. The word we use to mean savage and barbarian, also means warrior. And while the faithful of the Ynn practice peace, a great strength of spirit is needed to stand against evil. This strength is found abundantly within the warrior peoples surrounding the Ynn, and while it has been used for evil more often than good, the pride of past Ynnics has played a part in this. Have Ynnics forgotten the ages-old saying that peace is what all true warriors strive for?\n\nIn the year 320 after Flood, when Adbrabohvi was under attack by the ancient Amstenuri, who had been moved to war by envy and slander and had no ear for peace, it was a group of the Netherfolk - savage, red-skinned and hollow-nosed - who used their mastery of the wilds to ambush the Amstenuri and force them to turn back.\n\nIn 626, when the Ynnic Empire was at risk of being torn asunder, the newly-crowned Empress Zeldja received the aid of Gelinik, King of the Nether, in the battle of Tromseloc against the rebels.\n\nIn light of this, it is laudable, and natural for Calrodiy IV and his line to have magnanimously accepted that the Veykodans may swear fealty and settle within Arverynn's lands to serve as Pomentere and contribute to its protection."\n\n-Letter from High Priest Yarven III to Vyrisar Carodin II of Arverynn, during the theological debate on the Corrupted Ruinborn, 1470.
+3% Mercenary Discipline
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

The River's Ecosystem"What do Ynn River Worshippers think of canals and watermills? Aren't they sacrilegious, forcing the Ynn to your purpose?"\n\n"Not at all, all of the Ynn's blessed creatures take something from it. Beavers build dams, fish hide among the stones deposited in its depths, and direwolves are known to shift the course of the Ynn's tributaries from time to time. We too are acting in harmony with nature, in harmony with our God, when we create majestic dams that pacify its flooding, furrows to grow plants that feed our people, and watermills which borrow part of the Ynn's unrelenting power for us. But while we are the highest part of the Ynn's ecosystem, we must never let ourselves grow careless, for using too much too fast would mean disrupting this beautiful balance that we have perfected over the course of centuries with the River."\n\n-Conversation between a Lorentish pioneer and an Adbrabohvir river-priest
-25% State Maintenance

I Have What You WantMany souls come to the Ynn. Some seek power. Some seek justice. Some seek safety. Their dreams are the Ynn River, for when they die they return to it, and when they live they desire nothing more than what is offered by it. Wealth? Nourishment? Life, beauty, revenge? Secrets and knowledge? Freedom and friendship?\n\nAs the gate to the Ynn, Adbrabohvi offers this and much more to those hailing from the world below, only asking they give up any dangerous technologies or heathen symbols they brought with themselves. At the Northern Gate, or Gate of the Living, new souls are allowed to depart Adbrabohvi and venture further into the Ynn, but a warning is given: desires are never truly fullfilled, and the greater your yearning, the greater the cost.
+15% Global Trade Power

I Have What You Need"Congratulations, Captain, for making it this far." A lone priest clapped, draped in black and white robes. "You're in my way. Stand aside, old ruinborn. I just want the secrets of the inner sanctum." Spoke Captain Roose of Corinsfield.\n\n"Secrets… You are not the flock of the False God. No, it is the Crusader in the Sky you follow, not seeking to uncover, but destroy?" The priest gave way, revealing a mirror of deep blue water, rippling in front of Roose. "Adbrabohvi is burning, human. And you are responsible."\n\n"I have acted in the will of Corin! Your faith corrupted you, corrupted your decadent city!" Roose declared.\n\nThe old priest grimly contemplated: "It is human nature to harm others. And you have harmed us far more than any other. Our faith, our city, condemned by those we so desperately wanted to live in harmony with." An image of Roose hugging his many daughters and sons while smiling appeared in the mirror of water. "You shall receive… Not that which you seek" the image disappeared into a whirlpool, replaced by the sight of Corinsfield's temple burnt down by a dragon. "…but that which you need. Flame cannot burn water. Sarda will fall. But not by your hand. And it will re-emerge. Stronger than ever." The image disappeared into a whirlpool.\n\nThe Captain took a step back, disturbed by what he had seen and heard. "You… you're not a priest, are you?! Begone, foul witch!" The Captain's firearm went off, and the mad priest fell dead to the floor.
-15% War Score Cost vs Other Religions

+1 Missionaries


