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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+10% National Tax Modifier

The Lumbermill of DolindhaEvery year, many trees are felled in Drevkenuc's forest to be sold as wood to build the boats that will carry Ynnic nobles to the afterlife. This near-monopoly on lumber ensures that we will never be short on material to build our own funeral barges with.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Children of the ForestWhile we are mockingly called "children" by the other Dolindhans because of our smaller stature, any outsider arrogant enough to invade our forests has been met with a stalwart resistance from our people of hunters and foresters, all of which are familiar with combat and self-defense of some sort and thus able to fight in high numbers.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

Amatrvo, Great Tree of DrevkenucHome of the ruling family is the massive hollow tree of Amatrvo in Drevkenuc, which has a castle of several floors carved inside. Impervious to fire, the tree is said to be old as the Ynn itself, and will impart its wisdom on any soul kind enough to write a poem for it. Whether truth or fiction, a poetry tradition has bloomed from this local myth - or perhaps the myth itself serves to explain our age-old tradition of poets and songwriters.
-25% Diplomatic Advisor Cost

The True Antler LordsThe deep forest of Drevonsred is home to wild antler horses not unlike the one ridden by Lukaus Rogaispodhan in antiquity. Scarily large and unapproachable even to the most seasoned foresters and pure-hearted souls, the secret to ride them has been jealously passed down Drevkenuc's ruling line, and while Drevkenuco rulers are disqualified from riding them in jousts, nobody can contest that the sight of a Drevkenuco lord atop one of those massive creatures is a truly astonishing sight to behold.
-1% Prestige Decay

Reform Village MilitiasWhile strong enough to fend off attacks from spiders and direwolves, as well as ambushing invaders and hindering them through asymmetrical warfare, the villager militias that protect our settlements can't be expected to hold their own against charging knights or brutal Malacnari warriors in an open field. To make up for this, we will hire foreign instructors and promote our toughest fighters to captains, so that they may teach and train our militiamen semi-regularly, creating a sense of comradery and of belonging to their corp.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The PotragaAn old tradition in Drevkenuc, called Potraga or "the Quest", is for any male aged 16 to take a trip outside the forest to see the world abroad and experience its people and what they have to offer. While the most common destinations for this trip are Vareynn and Arverynn, the most daring youth have ventured all the way to the ruins of the old Mountain Kingdom occupied by the heathen Rzentur, the endless plains of the Epednar, the dark forest of the Cursed Ones, or even the northern wastes populated by Ice Sleepers, bringing home powerful artifacts and becoming adults along the way.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium

Strict River WorshipIn ancient times, the native Drevkenuco people practiced a heathen worship, bringing gifts and offerings to the trees and the creatures of the forest rather than to the holy Ynn River. No more! It was King Vylaron of Vareynn who made our ancestors see the errors of their ways, and ever since our conversion in the fourth century after Flood we have been quick and proactive in stamping out any form of heathenry, just like King Vylaron did, by having every village - no matter how small or secluded - presided by the watchful eye of a river inquisitor.
+1 Missionaries

+15% Manpower Recovery Speed


