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Primary Culture

-25% Diplomatic Advisor Cost
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Hedge Gardens of GrebniesthA few miles west of Vareynn, you will find the beautiful gardens of Grebniesth, the last beacon of hospitality before the cold north. Many kings and queens - and emperors before them - were awe-struck at the sight of our massive hedge-maze, nurtured since the sixth century after Flood by the care of our gardeners and the skill of our mages. Descending from Oberjon the Gardener Knight, the lords of House yen Greb have dabbled with the craft ever since, which taught them patience and care, useful for plants, just as useful for people.
+20% Improve Relations

The Alliance of Knightly LordsIn 1367, the Rzentur united into a single kingdom and marched to invade us. Grebniesth acted quick to call upon the aid of its neighbours: by appealing to their sense of honour and underlining the risks that a Rzentur invasion would bring to all of them, while also leveraging on decades of built-up amicability, we convinced the majority of Dolindha to act as one in the face of the Great Heathen Host. While nowadays Dolindha - and the Ynn at large - seems more divided than ever, it will be no challenge to mend some relations, or weave new ones.
+2 Diplomatic Relations

Knights of the BushThe Grebvitre - Bush Knights - may not be as ancient as the Knights of Vareynn and not as emblazoned as the Knights of Amacimst, but they have been just as decisive in protecting Dolindha. Riding a stockier northern breed and being experts of the terrain, the Grebvitre dutifully patrol the Nisargan border for any barbarian who would be as foolhardy as to approach. They are notorious for their ability to suddenly appear out of thick vegetation to launch devastating charges, breaking even the iron-clad Rzentur infantry and sending them reeling back into their hovels.
+25% Cavalry Flanking Ability
+25% Prestige from Land battles

Trading with the TribesTo our north lies the land of the Old Rzentur, a rugged people who lives in dark, unkempt forests and follows no law other than the rule of the strongest. If there is one thing they are not backwards at, however, is warfare, and particularly armour and weapon-smithing. We will establish contacts with some of their tribes, and provide them with extra food during harsh winters if they'll be so kind as to let us borrow some of their weapons for our endeavors back south.
+5% Global Trade Power
+5% Shock Damage

…But Keeping Them out of Our BackyardEver since the sixth century after Flood, the Rzentur have migrated into Ynnic lands, no doubt attracted by the prosperity and quality of living of our civilization. The states of Svemel, Pomvasonn and Juzondezan are a result of such migrations, being Rzentur realms on what was once Dolindhan land. Before any more Rzentur, new or old, gets the idea to invade us, we should act preemptively: many Old Rzentur tribes would like nothing more than to settle the lands of their cousins to the south, and some of our "traders" will make sure to provide them with the motivations and means to do so.
+20% Rebel Support Efficiency
+15% Spy Network Construction

Courtly HousekeepingGrowing a realm isn't only a matter of weaving outwards relations, one must pay attention to inner affairs as well. We will praise and reward our most loyal and helpful vassals, publicly and in private, so that their qualities may flourish and add beauty to the realm… while freeloaders and troublemakers will be weeded out or left to wither.
+10% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

The Language of FlowersEach Lord of Grebniesth had a different flower they favoured: Lovac the Strong challenged himself to grow the biggest sunflowers he could, while Oberjon the Gardener treasured the small purple flowers he had secured during his time in Trompolere, whereas Stantirn the Justicer had a passion for roses and hanging bellflowers. Find out which lord had your same favourite flowers, and learn more about the history of Grebniesth and Dolindha along the way, in this limited edition of Jelik Cvijara, "Language of Flowers".
-10% Culture Conversion Cost
+5% National Tax Modifier


