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Primary Culture

+10% National Tax Modifier
-25% State Maintenance

Fighter SocietiesUnlike the rest of the Ynn, the main force of a Rzentur army is composed of infantrymen from the different fighter clans that dot their territory since the Rzentur migrated. Many of the Rzentur tales have their heroes originating from such societies, going on to accomplish some glorious feat.\n\nThis form of organising troops evolved with time, as modern battalions would be centered around members of those societies, or at least adopt their names.
-10% Infantry Cost
+5% Infantry Combat Ability

"The Lord's Cape Protects All"-The motto of the House of yen Vasonn\n\nAfter the defeat of the Great Dragon Host at Lisicalrevo, demise was on the horizon for the weakened lordships of Rzenta. The retreating party of nobles from the Svemel area, willing to avoid this fate, chose Lord Erendej of Pomvasonn as their leader, arguing that only a strong duchy could resist the foreign incursions. The decision to elevate Erendej to duke proved to be the correct one, as he protected the realm against the Dolindhan raiders that remained, guaranteed the autonomy of the city of Svemel, and all that while secured his people's faith in his rule.
-2 National Unrest

Spread The Word of DrozmagogBy the time of the Great Dragon Host, the general idea that one would have of Rzenta would have changed from it being a backward province of the Ynnic Empire to a region filled with dragon-worshipping zealots itching to invade the entire Ynn.\n\nWhile both of these sayings are stereotypes, they both have their bit of truth. With the arrival of Drozmagog, the living dragon god of the Rzentur people, came the idea that a powerful new state could be forged under its guidance, with the Rzentur people in its center. This idea was picked up by many nobles, who in return were very inclined to support the burgeoning clergy of the Drozma Tur.
+1% Missionary Strength
-25% Missionary Maintenance Cost

Legacy of the Great Dragon HostSince the end of the Ynnic Empire and its civil wars, no state or person could field an army that could rival those of that ancient time. That changed with the Great Dragon Host. The Rzentur people, strengthened by their faith in Drozmagog, launched an invasion of Dolindha as proof of their devotion to their god.\n\nAs preachers advocated for this holy war from village to village, many peasants, destitutes or nobles joined their ranks, until it reached the attention of the ruling lords of Rzenta. By the time it did, this composite army was already too big to not give it support without risking having their holding sacked for "standing in the way of the Dragon's will". Some of those lords gave the army supplies and safe passage through their lands, while others joined the totality of their force to them.\n\nThis army, despite being massive, was heavily infantry based, as well as plagued by organisation issues. So when they were confronted by the smaller but better equipped Dolindhan coalition, an otherwise unlikely defeat occurred. Nevertheless, after this attempted invasion, the dukes of Pomvasonn still relied on the clergy to levy extra troops in times of need.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Reinvigorate Rzentan CraftsmanshipDespite having a smaller population than Dolindha or Sarda and having narrower parts of the Ynn to sail on, Rzenta still managed to produce quality goods for their nobles and burghers.\n\nOne of the most esteemed good of Rzenta are actually the stained glasses of Pomvasonn: their production started during the Sarda period of the Ynnic Empire, as the Emperors required them for their palaces and temple in the new capital of Arverynn. The stained glasses eventually made their way to most of the Ynnic churches that could afford them.\n\nHowever, with the fall of the Ynnic Empire, trade suffered and many luxury goods found themselves without buyers, dooming their producers to bankruptcy. This was however not the case of the Pomvasonnic glass, as the Pomvasonn lord became a patron of the fragile industry, ensuring their survival, as well as their loyalty. When trade resumed, Pomvasonn found itself with quality goods to offer to other Ynnic states.
-1% Prestige Decay
+5% Production Efficiency

New Faces, New IdeasWhile the new arrivals may worship strange gods and speak strange languages, they also bring new wealth and networks that are just waiting to be exploited.\n\nLord Varamen yen Vasonn, struggling to come on top in his engagement with Istralorian Crusaders and the Dolindhans, saw their arrival as an opportunity that was not to be ignored. Wanting to encourage the strangers to establish themselves in his realm, he set up districts in Svemel as well as Pomvasonn for foreign merchants to settle in. He went also as far as hiring a Cannorian explorer as an advisor.
-5% Idea Cost
+10% Spy Network Construction

DrozmateersPomvasonn, as a state, came across many challenges throughout the late 16th century, as they tried to maintain their gains in the ever-changing landscape that is the Ynn and its surroundings at the time.\n\nThe introduction of firearms by Cannorians in this theatre changed a lot of things, notably the way battles were fought: the battlefield was not dominated anymore by the Ynnic style knight, and infantry began its debut as the backbone of all armies in the Ynn basin.\n\nThe Rzentur form of those new infantry corps was without a doubt the most efficient, combining the new and lighter handheld guns with bayonets, tearing holes through enemy ranks as they charged.
+10% Land Fire Damage

+10% Domestic Trade Power


