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Primary Culture

+20% Garrison Size
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

OyantukajatOnce, our fear of the unknown caused us to cower beneath the overwhelming might of our Goddess. Now that immense power is ours to wield. Before our ascension, magical gifts were a rarity; tribes often went multiple generations without producing someone capable of such miracles. With the cycle complete, magic flows freely through every devout worshipper of our Goddess.\n\nEarly on, many of our most zealous warriors and shamans took to implanting themselves with empowered seedlings of our Goddess. This was both a dangerous, and often ineffective ritual. While mostly leading to a gruesome early death, the comparatively few that succeeded bore wonderful results. For the short time they were able to maintain their sanity, fearsome control over life was at their disposal. Entire forests would bow before their approach; these early scions were true children of our Goddess. Given the immense power they obtained, the cost was dire; it’s regretful that very few made it more than a couple years before disappearing into the jungle, and fully merging themselves into our Goddess’s embrace.
-3% All Power Costs

YavisínukuOur realm stretches throughout the Effelai, but despite what outsiders may think, it is a varied and diverse land. From the solid rock and open glades upon which the Thamvo’i build their cities, to the floating havens of the Parura in the wide rivers of the Leechdens, to the dense jungle in the west in which the and Effe’i build their elegantly shaped jungle settlements. All interconnected by waterways and jungle trails, our civilization has nestled itself into the Effelai as if it grew out of the ground as naturally as the trees. The empire beneath the canopy has adapted to its environment perfectly.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

AlianaíaratFrom studying the rituals of the Lai’i, our people have been able to streamline the process of constructing their bone armor. Every settlement holds year round hunts, focused on providing select youth the opportunity to acquire the rare materials needed for crafting their equipment, assuming they can fell the horrific beasts they seek out. Those that are successful move into designated ritual grounds, and spend months attuning their spirits to the collection of bones they have brought back. Veteran hunters oversee them during this time, and guide them through the crafting process, and eventual final ritual.\n\nFor multiple nights straight the initiates must maintain concentration. If they lose it for even a brief moment, their armor will turn to dust, or even worse their sanity will shatter, resulting in a savage husk remaining. But when they succeed, their reward is unmatched protection, and incredibly enhanced physical capabilities, largely linked to the creature they crafted their armor from. This in turn lends to initiates continuing to seek even more dangerous prey, and undergo this ritual many times over.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

JimapoyásDerived from studying the rituals of the Lai’i, our craftsmen have been able to streamline the process of constructing their bone armor. Every settlement holds year round hunts, focused on providing select youth the opportunity to acquire the rare materials needed for crafting their equipment, assuming they can fell the horrific beasts they seek out. Those that are successful move into designated ritual grounds, and spend months attuning their spirits to the collection of bones they have brought back. Veteran hunters oversee them during this time, and guide them through the crafting process, and eventual final ritual.\n\nFor multiple nights straight the initiates must maintain concentration. If they lose it for even a brief moment, their armor will turn to dust, or even worse their sanity will shatter, resulting in a savage husk remaining. But when they succeed, their reward is unmatched protection, and incredibly enhanced physical capabilities, largely linked to the creature they crafted their armor from. This in turn lends to initiates continuing to seek even more dangerous prey, and undergo this ritual many times over.
+0.2 Infantry Shock

Olaka'utkáFrom disparate tribes struggling to survive, to a people blessed by providence; our journey has been one of strife and perseverance. Since the very inception of our beliefs, we knew that we longed for something greater than bits of progress that would simply be overshadowed by the immense losses we suffered. We were destined for a far greater fate than this, there was always a greater connection, it was just always beyond reach. The very trees surrounding us served as both a protector in our times of need, and as the treacherous mechanism of our defeats. But now as we gather here, at the very pinnacle of our journey, everything falls into place. Connected by an inescapable fate, every moment has become one. While this was merely a glimpse into our Goddess’s vast expanse of knowledge, it has fully opened our eyes. This union was always meant to happen, and her benevolence is what has enabled us to survive to make it to this moment.\n\nSince the beginning, and until the end; uniting with her as one has always been our purpose. Our fates are now fully, and forever, intertwined.
+15% Goods Produced Modifier

MáynaWith the immense expertise of the Effe’i, we have been able to cultivate a plethora of powerful tonics and toxins. Once a secret strictly held within their tribe, the advanced art of Lifebloom cultivation now spreads its way across our lands. Accessibility to life saving tonics has also significantly bolstered our favored tactics of engagement. Hitting invaders hard and fast, only to disappear back into the jungle, is now even more effective due to the improved recovery time, and life expectancy of our warriors.\n\nFurther refinement to these tactics have been explored using Deathbloom, the toxic counterpart to our life saving herbs. Employing the renowned Effe’i traps in a wider array of scenarios has proven far more effective than we expected. It’s often the case that our foes dwindle, lost in an endless maze of traps and horrific ambushes cleverly setup by our brilliant commanders. The Parura have shown some disdain for using such tactics, though only because they prefer to personally dispatch any foolish enough to set foot in our Goddess’s realm.
+1 Attrition for Enemies
+10% Reinforce Speed

Maynáarí ScionsWhile magical gifts have become commonplace among our people, there are still those that show a proficiency far beyond what’s deemed normal. Candidates are chosen from these particularly gifted warriors, and they are forced to undergo months of rigorous trials, all culminating in individual hunts deep into enemy lands. Varying from lone descents into the perilous caverns beneath the Leechdens, filled with horrors beyond even the worst the jungle has to offer, to excursions into bordering enemy lands to eliminate potentially dangerous foreign targets. Those that succeed these final trials are gifted immense might, in the form of our Goddess’s mightiest blessing; in an agonizing ritual, powerful seeds harvested from the graves of powerful magic wielders, are implanted into the chest cavity of our warriors. Originally this process was widely fatal, but our shamans have refined their tactics under the guidance of our Goddess, and over generations our forms have grown much more accepting of these boons.\n\nWherever they go, the Maynáari Scions exude our Goddess’s will. The very air trembles around them trembles with the might of their song, maintained as if propagating from their heart, even when their voice is silent. While their devotion is unshakeable, these Scions retain full autonomy of personality, and unrelenting willpower in their duties. As our society continues to fully assimilate with our Goddess, these Scions truly demonstrate what the future holds for our people.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

+10% Morale of Armies


