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Primary Culture

+15% National Manpower Modifier
+10% Land Force Limit Modifier

FunatchukaMeaning literally ‘Bone House' the Funatchuka is a building made for hosting official visitors from Cheshoshoanta, it is made from the bones of Boek slain by our warriors on the battlefield. Built to ensure the servants of Cheshosh are given adequate accommodation during their visits the Funatchuka is certainly not as glamorous as the Bone Citadel itself, the Funatchuka serves a clear purpose: to remind bone priests of their place under Cheshosh, lest they grow to be arrogant.
+15% Improve Relations

Cheshosh's GuideIn 1386 a small number of the vassal chieftains were entrusted with the task of heading north to the Boek tribes and bringing back tribute in honour of Cheshosh.\n\nGreatest amongst the chosen tribes sent on this crusade were certainly the Dokanto. Our warriors were responsible for breaking both the Lenef and the Sadih, both of whom had repelled the Cheshoshi for centuries. For this great act, the high chief of Cheshoshoanta Jarre bestowed upon our tribe the title ‘Cheshosh's Guide' in recognition of our great deeds.
+100% Prestige from Land battles

Breaking the BoWhilst the lands of southernmost tribes of the Boek are under our control those who lived there continue to resist the inevitable. They have come together in a federation of their remaining tribes in an arrogant act of futility, whilst the Boek federation has certainly proven tougher than the sum of its parts we will not relent. The walls of the Boek shall fall, and those within shall be sent to Cheshosh.
+10% Siege Ability

The Bone GuardThe arrival of the Black Legion came as a shock to the servants of Cheshosh, and their armies seemed initially undefeatable, leading some of the vassal chieftains to question the place of Cheshoshoanta. The Dokanto had no such delusions, answering the call of the for aid sent, and together with the remaining forces of the Cheshoshoanta, we were able to save the Bone Citadel from these invaders.\n\nAs a reward for our continued loyalty, and due to a lack of alternatives, the warriors of the Dokanto were stationed in the Bone Citadel and given the responsibility of protecting it from intruders.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Desperate DefenceWhen the Black Legion returned it was clear that Cheshoshoanta and the Bone Palace would fall. Still greatly weakened from our previous encounter a mere 12 years ago the Bone Guard, composed mainly of warriors from Dokanto, was no match for that of the Black Legion.\n\nYet the Bone Guard forced the intruders to pay for every inch of territory dearly, and not it was said that not a single Dokanto would retreat until they had personally taken the skull of an invader.
+10% Morale of Armies

The CullingFollowing the inevitable fall of Cheshoshoanta there were those within our tribe who called into question our chief's decision to remain loyal. The toll on the warriors of Dokanto were great, and the war was fought in vain they claimed.\n\nOur chief did not take kindly to these accusations and, claiming that our defeat was due to having lost Cheshosh's favour, called for a grand sacrifice. Using sacrifices from his own tribe, many of whom were those who had spoken out against the chief, Cheshosh was satisfied.\n\nIn the following years none would question the new High Chief.
-1 National Unrest
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

Memories of the Bone CitadelAfter the capture of the Bone Citadel by Neratica they desecrated the holy temple, constructing within it a temple to some twisted image of Cheshosh and his righteous judgement, and whilst many have forgotten this desecration within the people of Dokanto the memory of the Bone Citadel in its glory lives on and we prepare for the day that we may regain Cheshosh's favour and push out the decadent fools who desecrate his sacred temple.
-1% Prestige Decay

+1 Diplomatic Reputation


