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Primary Culture

+25% Embargo Efficiency
+1 Merchants

At the ConfluenceThe city of Medurubar is located on the strategically important merger of Suran and Buranun, two biggest rivers of Bulwar. The lands around Medurubar have been populated since antiquity and the city unfortunately often found itself being desired by neighbouring powers. However, Medurubar's position also provides great benefits to trade, as merchants travelling to Brasan from inner Bulwar ought to make a stop here.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Marsh PeopleLocals of Medurubar are known across Bulwar as the marsh people or marshmen, due to the city and its locality being in the middle of a large marsh, the sole of its kind in Northern Sarhal. Marshmen are typically well adjusted to both the dampness of Medurubar and the arid climate of the rest of Bulwar, giving them fame as very resilient people.
+0.5 Attrition for Enemies
-10% Land Attrition

Kheteratan PapyrusDuring the Kheteratan conquests of Bulwar Medurubar grew in prominence due to its position in Bulwar. To better administer and oversee the newly conquered territories, Kheteratans imported papyrus from their homeland and found Medurubar the perfect place to grow it to have available scripts and records nearby. Following the end of Kheteratan rule in Bulwar the usage of papyrus did not end, and both human and elven rulers used paper from there for their documents. Of particular note is the famous Treaty of Brasan that was written on the Medurubari papyrus.
-10% Administrative Technology Cost

Rejection Of TyrantsDuring the Cinder Wars, a pair of conflicts in later 12th century that ended up dissolving the Phoenix Empire, Medurubar along with Brasan rejected demands of the self-proclaimed regent Filinar of Kalib after witnessing his atrocities. By miracle the city managed to defend against his armies and was recognised as an independent city after the war's end. The idea of 'Resisting the Tyrants' became well integrated into Medurubari mindset, and was reignited centuries later with the looming threat of the Jadd Empire, whom Medurubari considered yet another group of tyrants.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Permanent Order PresenceShortly following the formation of the New Sun Cult, southern Bulwar experienced a sharp increase in heretic sects, with the city of Medurubar being the center of these heresies. Taelarios Irrliazur refused to allow his vassal state rejecting the very same religion he codified and in 1220 entered the city along with the Order of the Zenith. The Medurubari Purge cleansed the city of everyone related to the heretics with over a quarter of population killed and the city itself becoming the new capital of Taelarios' realm.\n\nTo ensure no such heresy ever rises in the city again the Order that executed the heretics was allowed permanent presence. The dominance of the New Sun Cult in the city was never threatened again.
-10% Establish Local Organization Cost
+2% Missionary Strength vs Heretics

Medurubari CuisineMarshmen of Medurubar are also infamous across Bulwar for their peculiar food, specifically the contents. Medurubari see not using all available parts of an animal as wasteful and tend to eat what others may consider revolting. Additionally to the weird contents, the taste of Medurubari cuisine is bearable to select few. Caramelised chicken feet, marinated cow eyes and sand fried horse hooves are just few examples of what Medurubari consider food. However, this disregard for what they eat allows their people to always be full.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

Nexus Of The LeagueFollowing the untimely demise of Thelrion Irrliazuir, the childless ruler of Irrliam, the western city states of Bulwar all fell to the advancing legions of the Jadd Empire. Some fought hard (and earned a punishing occupation), while others gently acceded to the new conqueror, but none could stand before the desert's storm.\n\nMedurubar was one of the states that fought the fiercest, engaging in street-fighting block by block even after the Jaddari legions had pierced their walls. Even after conquest, legions of Lightbringers could not stamp out this rebellious spirit, and the city remained firmly (if quietly) defiant of the Jadd. The resistance largely consisted of late tax payments and underground dissension — that is, until Surael blessed their cause with a Jadd civil war.\n\nDuring the Deioderan, Medurubar led the revolt against their Jadd overlords and helped secure the independence for several western Bulwari city-states. As the threat of the Jadd was not eliminated, and the Jaddanzar Empire left behind was certain to seek reconquest after licking its wounds, these states united into a loose federation known as 'Surakeši League', with Medurubar being elected the league's first leader.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation


