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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
-25% Military Advisor Cost

A History of HeroesFor the entire history of our nation, we have been defended by brave heroes and warriors who sacrificed themselves to preserve our independence. From conflict to conflict, from the age of God Kings to the conquests of Jaher, they are a long and storied tradition in Avamezan.\n\nFirst came Idad the Brawny, legends say his strength was such that he shifted the course of the river that now runs through our lands, and brought us prosperity. He was also a great commander who led our armies during the Warlord Era. Next came Udiš szal-Šarad, a brilliant politician and commander who's sharp intellect allowed us to break free from Akalesian rule. Then most recently, and most upsetting, came Seyma szal-Radin. A human mage of masterful skill, someone who could have heralded a new age of glory for Avamezan. However, she was slain by the Sun Elven armies of the Phoenix Empire. But she did not go down without a fight, her and the other human mages fighting bravely against those who saw their practice of magic as dangerous. This fighting spirit has never left us.
-15% General Cost

The Avamezan RubyThe Szal-Dumakal was once the greatest treasure of our land. Mined from the northern mountains, we were led to the ruby by a wandering Magi who said that while we possessed it, we would have glory. A truly massive gem, it was shaped by our finest lapidarists into the shape of a sun, owing its discovery to our god. It was the mark of our divine right to rule to the rest of the rulers of Bulwar, but alas it has since been lost.\n\nDuring Jaher's conquests, the army of Avamezan met his forces. In the heat of combat, Jaher's legionnaires made it to the royal tent, and the fight within resulted in the shattering of the ruby. Fragments still remain, but they are nothing compared to what it once was. However, we have not forgotten the times when the ruby was whole. Our times of prestige and glory.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+1 Monthly Splendour
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

The Definition of FirepowerThe arquebusiers of Avamezan have a unique weapon in their arsenal. Equipped with flammable dust loaded into the barrels of our guns, they cough out fire and smoke along with the ammunition. Mined in the mountains in the north of the country, a mineral is mixed with sand and burning coal coke to produce the flammable powder. Highly dangerous and explosive, we need to handle it with care before we can unleash it, however the risks are well worth it. Dubbed "the spit of the sun" by our priests, there are few foes who can survive it.
+10% Land Fire Damage

The Horn of GašarhuAn ancient artifact from the era of God Kings, the Horn of Gašarhu is a great golden horn, covered almost entirely in jewels. The God-King Gašarhu was the most tenacious and resilient amongst his contemporaries, and possessed the ability to turn into a bull at will.\n\nRediscovered by the dwarven archeologist Cûnrod az-Mag, it cost a hefty sum for us to get it from him, but it has proven its worth. When the horn is sounded in the heat of battle, our soldiers remember what they fight for, and surge forth to push back all invaders.
+1 Land Leader Shock
+10% Reduced Morale Damage Taken By Reserves

The Golden RacesIf there is one thing outsiders know our realm for, it is horse racing. Held every year in our capital, the Hurasu Lismu, the "Golden Races" bring together breeders and racers from all across Bulwar to participate. But in addition to those who participate, the event also attracts gamblers of all stripes, trying their luck to win big. And if there's anyone who benefits from that, it's the banks and moneylenders of our realm. So as long as we continue to sponsor these races, tha banks will have our back in hard times.
-0.5 Interest Per Annum

The QanunWhen violence consumes Bulwar, as cities burn and armies clash, the one thing that can always unite us is music. And there is no serenade that the humans and elves of Bulwar like more than the singing strings of a qanun. A traditional instrument that is believed to have its roots in Avamezan. The instrument is played resting on either the musician's lap or a table in front of them, with the strings arrayed horizontally. It is then played with both hands, one for the higher register, and one for the lower. The sound produced is nearly ethereal in its beauty, and can cause any in the area to stop to hear the ghostly hum of the quanun.
+20% Improve Relations

Ia the HealerIn the year 1787, a unique individual arrived at the court of the Akal. Her name was Ia, a sun elf, and she called herself a healer. She had studied medicine her entire life, and as the world became consumed with mechanics and artificery, she studied natural healing and practical medicine. When she arrived at the court of the Akal, the royal consort was suffering from an unknown illness. Within two days, she had discovered that the illness came from the fungi growing at her weekend manor, and was able to derive a cure. Immediately after, she was hired as the physician extraordinaire for all Akals of Avamezan since.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed
+15% Average Monarch Lifespan

+1 Diplomats


