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Primary Culture

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+20% Improve Relations

I Left My Heart In IrsmahapMattabo was founded by refugees from Irsmahap, fleeing from Grizaka’s gnollish invasion. If you ask these exiles or one of their descendants what they think of their new home in Mattabo, you probably won't get more than a string of complaints. Mattabo's jungles are too wet, Mattabo's highlands are too rugged and rocky, the neighboring Shadow Swamp stinks like death, and the gnolls in the area are even worse than the ones up north. In their eyes nothing compares to the beautiful savannas and steppes of Irsmahap where they once lived, or even just heard about in the tales of their fathers and grandfathers, with their endless flat expanses of tall grass dancing with the wind, tinged in green and gold, resplendent in the hot sun. The men and women of Mattabo yearn for the land of their ancestors to be liberated from gnoll rule, with hundreds and thousands enlisting in the army as soon as age allows them, hoping to be able to push the reclamation closer to its success, or at least wanting to see the beautiful lands before they die.
+20% National Manpower Modifier

One Big Ahati BrotherhoodUnlike their northern counterparts, the southern Ahati didn't restrain themselves to their role as warrior brotherhoods, and instead became prolific traders, largely assimilating the Salahadesi trade guilds, and as such enjoyed a firmer control over local society. This was only exacerbated after their exile to Mattabo, and with no one else to stand in their way they monopolized every aspect of the new state, including society, politics, economy, military and even religion. With this they basically turned the new state into one big Ahati brotherhood, using the Peyimaaw honor code as a basis for state law, and officializing the worship of Aakhet as a divine being when he revealed himself in Aramoole.
+5% Ahati Loyalty Equilibrium
+5% Trade Efficiency

Gnoll Hunting Raids"For the head of a gnoll of any age the city will pay 10 gold coins, while the head of a dire hyena is worth 5 gold coins. A third of the collective loot will go towards the city, another third shall be divided according to the rank of the riders, and the last third will be destined to compensate the wounded, the ones who lose their horse or weapons and the widows of the deceased"- Extract from a contract between the city of Kaskanrit and a warrior band.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Not Even In Our Darkest HourAfter the conquest of Kheterata by Grizaka many in Mattabo fell into despair, as the reclamation of the Sorrow seemed now like an impossible task, and many feared the country would be the next objective of the demonic hordes. In a moment of desperation the lord of Mattabo at the time, the weak minded and power hungry Chufar I, decided to seek a hag and do a deal with her in exchange for the power to vanquish the gnolls. Luckily the fool didn't have the good sense to keep his plans a secret, or perhaps it was the will of the Khet which caused his tongue to slip, but soon enough the Ahati learnt of his wicked intentions, and outraged that one of their own planned to commit such a vile act they stormed his residence. Their leader beheaded Chufar, and promptly disemboweled himself to expiate the sin that was killing a ruler, even one as treacherous as this.\n\nThe Ahati appointed a new lord, who performed a speech in the capital to explain the situation to the country, and famously proclaimed that never, not even in their darkest hour, should the people of Mattabo deal with the forces of evil, as it was better to die at the hands of the gnolls than to forever damn their souls in exchange for power.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Wod MasuFinding no other prospects in the harsh and underdeveloped frontier land of Mattabo, many among the country's population turned to a mercenary life, putting their combat experience at the service of the various warring kingdoms in the region in exchange for coin. At first they joined local preexisting mercenary armies, but soon they banded together in the renowned Company of the Wod Masu, meaning Blue Sword in Kheteratan, as they paint their swords in this color. The Wod Masu pride themselves in sending a tenth of every payment to the state of Mattabo, as a way to show that they have not forgotten their roots and still hold loyalty to their people.
+5% National Tax Modifier
-5% Mercenary Cost

Forgotten Trade RoutesSituated in the southern border of Khetapera and being home to many former merchants who still remember the caravaneer routes that were abandoned after the gnollish invasion, Mattabo is the perfect starting point for smugglers seeking to skip the gnoll intermediaries and directly bring southern sarhaly goods to Kheteratan markets and vice versa. While traveling across Gnollakaz is extremely risky the possibility of immense profits makes it worthy, and with time the smugglers have become experts in traveling undetected with their goods. The state often sponsors these endeavors, both for the economical benefits and for the harm it does to Gnollakaz economy.
+1 Merchants

Khen PowderKhen powder, meaning Orange powder in Kheteratan, is the name given to a spice mixture developed in Mattabo during the late 16th century. Its constituent elements usually include cumin, salt, coriander, garlic, ginger, basil and chili peppers, the latter introduced to the area by Cannorian traders who brought them from Aelantir. The mixture is a key ingredient in the local cuisine, and it even achieved some popularity in Cannor, which helped make the otherwise little-known region a tad more familiar to foreigners.
-1% Prestige Decay

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change


