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Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

A New KheterataOnce, the Crodamic dynasty were the grandest servants of the Khet, showing the light of the Khet for the very first time to the people of Khetapera and Horashesh. But even the most illustrious dynasties can fall to decadence, and the Crodamics were sadly no different. Stewards wasted men in petty wars with Bulwari and Cannorians while the forces of evil and corruption were waiting right outside their borders, secluded High Priests proclaimed stiff doctrines with no regard for the common worshipper, and the most holy Khetarch Baqtkhet I’s decision to promise the crown to Jaher led to centuries of heathens claiming ownership over Kheterata. Our new kingdom is a chance to start fresh again, with a government that understands the true needs of the land and its people. May it not repeat the mistakes of the past.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

The Source of the SorrowThe Stewards of the Sorrow have traditionally ruled from the great city of Kheterat, reportedly built by Elikhet himself near the ruins of a genie city. Yet there can be no holier city than Niramit, located at the very Source of the Mother’s Sorrow, the birthplace of the great river that gives life to Kheterata and even to the Khet themselves. Beyond the city’s religious significance, its simultaneous location on the shores of both the Mother’s Sorrow and Lake Nirakhet does wonders for our administration’s ability to send people to and from every corner of our kingdom on a good timeframe.
+5% Manpower Recovery Speed
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Lessons from the Khetaperan WarsAs the demonic gnolls of Gnollakaz invaded Irsmahap and most of the southern nobility was slaughtered in battle, the cities of Khetapera were both cut off from the central authority of Kheterata and bereft of the region’s traditional ruling class. Left to fend for themselves, the different cities started waging war on each over their different visions for what rule of the region should look like. These wars carried unique difficulties due to the many mountain fortifications across the region. Learning how to siege these mountain forts and maneuvering through the narrow mountain passes that they guard have given our generals unmatched skill in besting the difficult conditions of this region.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+5% Siege Ability

Holding Back the DarknessThe forces of evil are ever at our doorstep. In the savannah, the gnolls prepare their sacrificial pyres for their infernal masters. In the swamp, the hags plot their schemes with troll slave and human pawn alike. The Crodamics failed to truly understand the threat of the darkness at their borders, and it ultimately cost them everything. We must never repeat their grave mistake. Our soldiers must always be ready to keep the forces of chaos at bay, and our rulers must never forget what is at stake should they lapse in their focus.
-15% Shock Damage Received

Elikhet’s Decree on MagicElikhet’s Decree on Magic is possibly the most widely interpreted and debated of all his decrees. While everyone after the end of the Damerian Occupation and Elikhet’s Return would agree that the Decree stresses the importance of the mages to use their divine gift for the benefit of the Khet and Kheterata instead of corrupting it for their own selfish desires, the specifics on how to enforce it varies wildly. The Decree has been used as justification for stripping mages of their freedom and turning them into bound labor, investing vast powers and privileges to a magical oversight committee staffed by the most trustworthy mages, and everything in between. This controversy would come to a head during the splintering of Khetapera, when it became a dividing line between the newly independent cities, which in turn would serve as justification for war between them. To avoid similar conflicts in the future, we need to use our authority as Stewards of Kheterata to hand down the definitive interpretation of the Decree, so that there can be no future doubt on the proper use of the divine gift.
-3% All Power Costs

Expand the Southern BrotherhoodsIn the south of Kheterata, the Ahati serve a somewhat different role than they do in the north. As the merchants of the south needed protection from gnollish raids, and the Ahati wished for further autonomy from Kheterat, the two would eventually join together, forming trade guilds ruled by the Ahati code of honor. We weren’t aware of what a blessing this was until the splintering of Kheterata, when much of the treacherous northern merchant class threw their lot in with the heathen pretenders of Elizna. Such blasphemous treachery is unacceptable in Prakheta. It is clear that we need to expand the system of Ahati merchant guilds to all of The Sorrow, so that the northern merchants may finally learn some honor and discipline.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

Bring Order to HorasheshPerhaps the most impressive feat of the Crodamics before their downfall was just how far they managed to spread the light of the Khet. Their domain from sea to sea, possessing fleets in both Koroshesh in the north and Zuvavim in the south. But the great distance from Kheterat to Horashesh, further separated by the mountains of Khetapera, made it impossible for the Stewards to directly manage the region. Instead, they relied on a system of appointed governors ruling the local satrapies alongside local rulers. This proved disastrous for the region once Grizaka cut off the path from Horashesh to Kheterat. With no royal aid to keep the governors in line and help them enforce order, all of Horashesh quickly descended into chaos, with both governors turning on each other and the local kings scrambling to usurp power from the royal governors. Luckily, with our capital much further south, we can govern the region in a more direct and unified manner. The Horasheshi can rest easy knowing that unlike the previous Kheterata, we will never lose control over their land.
-5% Core-Creation Cost
-0.025 Monthly Autonomy Change


