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Primary Culture

+20% Fort Defence
+1 Merchants

The Children UnitedAt long last the people of Akasik look at each other not as rivals but as brothers and sisters, united under the watchful gaze of Mother Akasik and lead by her favored child. There is no more Deshak, Khasa, or Ekha, simply the harmony of a united Akasik free from the grasp of tyrants and conquerors.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Mother's BountyMother Akasik is good to us, her mountains supply us with ores that can supply an empire for millennia while her fields feed and nourish all of the kingdom. It would be a crime to not share our fortunes with other lands so they too may prosper.
+15% Goods Produced Modifier

Madakas MatkasiThe Madakas Matkasi are the ancient defenders of the Akasik faithful, holy clerics and paladins that have seen much carnage and bloodshed against those that would see us subjugated and erased from history. They also served as a neutral party, overseeing treaties and meetings between the three old kingdoms. Now they serve united Akasik as her unwavering guardians, devoted to her people and zealous in the pursuit of their duties.
+10% Morale of Armies
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Trans-Salahadesi TradeFor eons the people of Akasik have been the main link between sub-Salahad Sarhal and the rest of the world, though gnolls and conflict between the kingdoms frequently interfered with the flow of trade. As a united kingdom we are far better positioned to maintain and patrol the routes, naval and over land, bringing the goods of Sarhal to the world beyond.
+10% Trade Efficiency
+15% Trade Steering

Peace of AkasikEvery citizen of Akasik is forbidden from harming another of Mother Akasik's children, either through violence or robbery. In return, the government is expected to guard their livelihoods, rights, and statuses for the betterment of all Akasi. This is an unspoken agreement that we uphold to the highest degree, ensuring prosperity and unity in Akasik.
-2 National Unrest

AkaswakAs our merchants dock in far away ports and harbours they leave behind a few sailors to establish an enclave of Akasik traders and workers known as an Akaswak. They serve as facilitators of commerce between the city they're based in and the homeland, building business relationships and trust abroad and ensuring that Akasi merchant captains always have a place to rest and customers ready to buy.
+10% Global Trade Power

Study of the Four PlanesThough the Planetouched have been present in Akasik for as long as any can remember, we truly know very little of them and their origins, and even less about the elemental planes their ethereal ancestors hail from. It is imperative that we learn more, countless grants are granted yearly to scholars and mages to study the planes and the Planetouched, as well as any other arcane phenomena they believe may be related.
-3% All Power Costs


