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Primary Culture

-1 Interest Per Annum
+1 Merchants

Legacy of QamaraQamara szel-Azanerdu was born in a ramshackle cottage, to an impoverished farmer and her blind husband, in 1372. 91 years later, she would die ensconced in Kalib's finest palace.\n\nThe years in between were dense. She was married young, and widowed, childless, only a few years later. With an indomitable will — and a natural talent with the spear — she found a place in Kalib's army, quickly rose through the ranks, and became widely known as a hero due to her leadership in skirmishes with the southern gnolls. Upon the previous Akal's death without a clear heir, she marched towards the palace: beginning as a solitary figure with a tall spear, and ending at the head of a mass thousands-strong. Her claim was incontestable.\n\nAs Akal, she revitalized Kalib's merchant guilds, struck up a personal friendship with Taelarios Irrliazuir, and made sure every peasant knew they could aspire to greatness. The last is her true legacy, as no Kalibi is likely to forget her tale anytime soon.
+25% Female Advisor Chance
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+1 Monarch Military Skill

The Center of BulwarKalib translates to "center" in Old Bulwari. As such, it is commonly believed by its citizens that if they are the 'center' of Bulwar, humanity's birthplace, Kalib must be the very site where humans first crawled from the mud.\n\nThere is no indication such belief is true. But what is undeniable is that Kalib's positioning betwixt the port of Brasan, the temple-city of Bulwar, and the caravanserai-palace of Sareyand ensures it is a nexus of trade and commerce.
+10% Global Trade Power

Over Rivers and PlainsAs important as any bolt of silk or rare spice that travels through Kalib is information, and the messengers of Kalib are as important to the city's wealth as any merchant caravan. They view their role as a nigh-sacred calling, and swear an oath to Sun Elven priests that they shall deliver their messages no matter the obstacles, weather, seasons, or heat.\n\nIn the late 16th century, after the Jadd Empire funded the revitalization of Bulwar's Golden Highway, this would evolve into the 'Golden Race', a yearly competition where the finest racers of Bulwar (and later, all Halcann) would compete to see who could run the fastest, beginning in the beaches of Brasan, and ending in Kalib.
-25% Envoy Travel Time
+15% Movement Speed

Eranil's OdditiesQamara's census, in 1450, identified more than 200 stalls and shops that plied their trade in the markets of Kalib. But only one is featured in Bulwari folk-tales, only one has its own song, only one can never be found in the same place twice: Eranil's Oddities.\n\nThe store dates back to the Phoenix Empire, and has been run by the eccentric elven craftsman Eranil the Strange for all those centuries. From djinni teeth to vials of Jaher's blood to peculiar variants of Damestear, the goods it sells are unique in all Halann.\n\nIts clientele included merchants and adventurers, pilgrims and scholars, and by the 17th century, even witch-kings' envoys and Ravelian artificers would on occasion seek it out. And for all: if they fail to find what they are looking for at Eranil's shop, well, there are plenty of other merchants quick to hawk their wares.
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Partition of KalibThe First Cinder War (1162-1170), also known as the Bulwari Jexisian Civil War saw the partition of the Phoenix Empire between loyalists to Empress Jexis and then later her bastard brother Elizar and their opponents. Filinar Alarzuir, governor of Kalib and main Loyalist leader in Bulwar, was defeated by the other governors while most of the Legions were still embroiled in Cannorian wars.\n\nWhen the legionaries retreated to Bulwar after the death of Elizar, they convened the various remaining Elven leaders in the now neutral town of Kalib in 1170. There, under the Imperial campaign tent, Erelessa, head of the Legion, presented a boy called Jaddar as the rightful heir to the Jaherian bloodline. His claim to succession was rejected by most leaders present, and he and most of the Legionaries went East into the Salahad. Meanwhile, Taelarios of Irrliam took the lead in splitting the Empire among the various Elves who all rose from governors to Kings.\n\nWhile the peace it created did not endure, with two more Cinder Wars in the 13th century, the Kalib partition made the city of Kalib famous, and paved the way for a diplomatic tradition the Kalibi are renowned for throughout Bulwar.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

As Brave as a LionThe soldiers of Kalib are famously arrogant, and the armies of Zanšap and Anzabad are often reluctant to work with them even when ordered to do so by the leadership in Irrliam. But every so often, they do something that makes all Bulwari think they might just deserve their self-possession.\n\nThe most prominent such example is the battle of Wuk, against a gnollish incursion under the command of Zurrek. The battle was lost almost as soon as it began: elven blademasters overwhelmed by the dog-demons' numbers, human steel no match for the ferocity of tooth and claw. The allied forces began to turn tail and flee, but the Kalibi stood strong.\n\nEven as they fell by the dozens, the hundreds, they did not break, they did not budge. They were slaughtered to a man, their blood well-watering the earth, their corpses devoured by their foes, but in doing so they ensured their brothers could fight another day — and that every future Kalibi would demand similar levels of bravery of themselves.
+10% Morale of Armies

Azanerdu GlassThe glassblowers of Azanerdu have plied their trade since before Jaher's landing. For equally long, Azanerdu glass has been remarked on for its distinctive red color, lending a unique shade to stained glass windows in temples from Anbennar to Rahen.\n\nThe secret of its creation would not be made widely-known until the 17th century. A master glassblower learned of the God Fragment's teachings from the Cannorian merchants he traded with, and in his newfound zealousness, he felt the 'magic' of his craft must be made accessible to all. He published a manuscript detailing how the addition of gold salts during the glass-forming process lends the product a distinctive crimson shade — but even with the secret out, no new cathedral was worthy of its name without Azanerdu glass.
+1 Yearly Prestige

+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre


