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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Merchants

Sunshine GalleysBy the age of five, every child of Bulwar has learned the many blessings Surael gave His people. The Suran river, which brings life to dry desert; His chosen, sent to lead us; our very existences, for without Him all would have perished in the Day of Ashen Skies.\n\nBut the Anzabadi learn of one more such blessing: the Sunshine Galleys, the ships of light-colored wood who sail the Bay of Glass and beyond, bringing back the riches that make Anzabad flourish. To see them returning to harbour, the colours of sunset resplendent against their hulls, is to witness one of Surael's greatest gifts.
+10% Galley Combat Ability

Chained Sun MarinesFor various periods of Bulwar's history it has suffered under gnollish occupation. And Anzabadi suffered more than most, often press-ganged to serve as galley slaves. For many centuries, the Bulwari had to submit to overlords that claimed they had 'chained up the sun itself'.\n\nBut then came the elves, and Surael's incarnation in Jaher. They drove back the gnolls, and the Anzabadi were among the first freed by these newcomer saviors. In their liberation, they reclaimed the phrase, and so the chained sun militia was formed. While at first it was a ragtag band, a scrappy auxiliary force for the elven armies, over the centuries since it has become an elite unit dedicated to combat any gnollish pirates who dare sail into the Bay of Mirrors.
+25% Marines Force Limit
+1 Naval Leader Manoeuvre

The Anzabadi StyleFrom the bankers of Kalib to the sheep-eaters of Zanšap, many humans are guided and tended to by the wise Irrliazuir. But we are certain they favor the Anzabadi above all others. Or at least, that is what we surmise from their prolific taste for clothes cut in our style and dyed in our colours, which they are willing to pay a premium price for and have spread across all in Bulwar. When Taelarios celebrates the solstice, one can be sure that he is wearing an Anzabadi robe.
+10% Global Trade Power

The Brasan FeudIt began before Bulwar was even known as Bulwar. When the Castanorians began their conquest, Anzabad sided with Bulwar's ruling gnolls, while Brasan sided with the new conquerors. Their fleets clashed many times at sea, and when the Castanorians finally took Anzabad, accompanying Brasanni regiments all-but-sacked it. Anzabad has never forgotten, nor forgiven, them for this crime.\n\nAt its best, this rivalry pushes every Anzabadi merchant to perform to the utmost, knowing any deal around the Divenhal which does not dock at our ports may very well dock at theirs. At its worst, such as in the brief chaotic period following the death of Taelarios Irrliazuir, it has lead to the sugar-marshes of the peninsula being watered with human blood, and full-scale privateering efforts crippling trade in the eastern Divenhal.
+15% Trade Steering

Castanorian FoundationsWhere Castanor ruled, it built. And when Castanor was nominal suzerain of all Bulwar following the conquests of Castan II 'Beastbane', they ruled from Anzabad — and so they built in Anzabad, everything from sturdy roads to imposing fortifications.\n\nLike many other Castanorian fortresses, most of their work fell into disrepair in the centuries following its construction. But in 1501 AA, with Gnollakaz having seized Kheterata in the south, and the encroaching Jaddari to the east, Akal Baraz szel-Aban began a project to build up the old ruins to their former glory. Though it took decades, they ultimately shone even brighter than before.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Fort Maintenance

The Mirror StandardThe Mirror Standard is a set of long-standing rules held paramount by the Shipbuilder's Guild of Anzabad. Every apprentice engineer must have memorized it in full to earn official recognition, and faces penalties of banishment or execution if they build a ship that does not meet it. Even as ship designs evolved with the rise of pan-Halessi trade and colonial fervor, the Mirror Standard stayed up to date — its guiding principle one of efficiency.
+10% Ship Durability

Zimud's House of RestHundreds, if not thousands, of different people dock in the ports of Anzabad each day. They come from diverse backgrounds: from gnomish traders bringing the latest in Dragon Coast gadgetry, to Eborthíli merchants driving a hard bargain, even the occasional Jadd pilgrim making their way from Cannor to the Mountain of Clear Sight. But every single one feels compelled to make their first stop in the city Zimud's House of Rest, the perfect place to refresh (and for some, to find a quest). Owned and family operated since 1473, it quickly became a landmark in Anzabad, and soon, all Bulwar.
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier


