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Primary Culture

-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
+1 Land Leader Shock

Heritage of the PlainsThe Akalšesi were once a warlike people from the Forbidden Plains, later referred to as the Akalites, who were let in through Invader's Pass by the harpies to wreak havoc in Bulwar. While they did indeed plunder and pillage, many of them swiftly settled down in the fertile plain between the Serpentspine and lake Naza. However even though they settled down, they have never lost their plains heritage. Centuries later they are still feared riders throughout the region.
+25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+0.25 Cavalry Shock

The Tales of Akur NuartuAkur Nuartu (translated as "Akur the Singer") was a 3rd century poet who lived in Akalšes during its height. He composed many ballads, songs and epics about Bulwar and its history. Being illiterate himself, they were recorded by a variety of scribes, apprentices and admirers during his performances. In later centuries these were compiled in a series of volumes known as "The Tales of Akur Nuartu". An entire volume of this work is dedicated to his praise of Akalšes and its splendor.
-1% Prestige Decay

Kings of Ancient BulwarAkalšes is one of the most ancient kingdoms of Bulwar. This can clearly be read from the modern Bulwar word for ruler: 'Akal' as a title was introduced by their people. While it has been partitioned and subjugated by different states in different times, its crown and throne have persisted through centuries. It is said they are even the same crown and throne that were made for Raafi-Zaid I, the Akalite warlord, who founded Akalšes in the 10th century BA.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Embellishments of the Golden RepublicsDuring the era of golden republics and the time of the Bulwar Accord there was a free flow of goods and knowledge between Bulwar and Castanor. The cities of Bulwar became incredibly wealthy and at the same time learned much from the architects and artisans of Castonath. This kickstarted a burst of construction and embellishment all over the region, but it was most vibrant in the kingdom of Akalšes. Even though many of the structures from that time have been heavily altered or destroyed, the old traditions live on to this day.
-10% Construction Cost

The Naza FieldsThe fields around lake Naza are some of the finest pasture-lands of Bulwar. Fed by the Buranun and other meltwater from the heights of the Serpentspine they are both fertile and mild. But beyond providing great land for farming, they have shown to be perfect for breeding swift and strong horses, and so the Akalšesi have continued their ancestral traditions with even greater effect.
-15% Cavalry Cost

Forge of the ZanitesIn the 3rd century the Akalšesi ruled over much of central Bulwar. Nominally they were subjects of the Damerian Republic, but that only came in the form of a yearly tribute of textiles and grain. The kings of Akalšes instead focused their attention on strengthening their grip on the region they controlled through a series of resettlements and mixing of cultures and traditions. This eventually led to the birth of Zanite as a unifying culture in central Bulwar. And while the Akalšesi control over the region is long gone, they have left a great imprint upon its people.
-20% Culture Conversion Cost

Relay OutpostsDuring the unruly period between the Kheteratan Dragon Wars (in which the bronze dragon Aakhet took over) and the coming of Jaher, Akalšes' borders were continually threatened by hostile gnollish and human forces. To secure its people, a series of relay posts were scattered throughout the kingdom to allow for the quick transfer of messages and to ensure that troops were always where they were most needed. During Jaher's campaigns in the east this system was developed to also be expanded while in foreign territory, allowing for highly efficient supply lines and communication between the various Phoenix Legions.
-10% Envoy Travel Time
+15% Reinforce Speed

-10% Core-Creation Cost


