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Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Lords of the LunaOh, the Luna river! The most glorious river! Once but a border between the Damerians and Vernmen, we have lived here for generations, yet only now have we made a true home!\n\nWith our control firmly established, we can now begin taxing all shipping along the Luna while providing our own transportation service at a discount, profiting quite handsomely off of the goods our neighbors offer to the world and solidifying our control of the land at the same time.
+15% National Tax Modifier

What was once divided...Once, we were but the dregs of Dameria and Verne. Once, our people fought each other for distant overlords who cared only for what taxes they could extract from us. But no longer! The diverse origins of our people have given us much experience with integrating new peoples and lands.
-5 Years of Separatism now united.The river is no longer blue on one side and red on the other, but purple: unified under a new identity! No longer do we fight each other, now our people are brothers, as it was always meant to be!\n\nA cultural revolution is happening along the Luna as its people throw off the identities forced upon them by foreign dogs and seek to join our glorious nation! Accompanying this cultural revolution is a population boom, as what were once defensive positions along the river bloom into towns and cities. At it's heart will be the city of Thanallen, where the Damerian and Vernemen sides of the Luna meet!
-10% Development Cost

Above the FrayWith our heartlands secured, we have risen above the petty feuds of lesser nations, and established ourselves as a nation to emulate. Though they may not like us, the rest of Cannor cannot help but respect our accomplishments and envy our deeds and the speed with which we pursued them. The glory of Pashainé shall be known across all of the world!
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Damerian TraditionsThough their rule has collapsed, and our people have forged a new identity, there are still many lessons we have learned from our time under Dameria. Even now, our court and diplomatic traditions are derived primarily from those of Dameria, and we have certainly retained the ambition that characterizes the Damerians.
+30% Improve Relations

Vernman HeritageOur military owes much to our Vernman ancestry, keeping to an ethos of daring bravery and martial skill - though we may, perhaps, be a bit more underhanded about it. Nevertheless, the military legacy of such great men of Verne as King Armoc Vernid and Grandmaster Laudari of Galéinn is eagerly studied by even the most nationalistic Pashainéy military men.
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+1 Monarch Military Skill

Harvest MoonBefore she was a goddess of wisdom The Dame was a goddess of harvest. By using enormous mills on the Luna river to power modern farming and irrigation techniques, in addition to powering workshops untainted by the blackness of coal - we can make the Luna once more a united heartland of Cannorian promise and ensure a wonderful life for all that call the Luna home.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

+10% Production Efficiency


