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Primary Culture

+20% Caravan Power
+1 Merchants

Emporium of All EscannAraionn is vast, collecting a pool of trade from across Escann. All manner of good can be bought, sold, traded and auctioned, all with a small cut for Araionnic.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Blessed Guardsmen of AraThe Blessed Guardsmen of Ara are an elite mercenary unit that has been hired on a quasi-permanent basis. Wielding morningstar and musket, they ensure that peace and is kept in order for the flow of goods and gold to continue.
+5% Mercenary Discipline

Invisible Hand of the Golden HorseshoeThe Invisible Hand, based off of the writings of Varion the Economist, is said to be a semi-divine being sent by Ara herself. This Invisible Hand is said to guide our nation's economy to ever increasing prosperity. However, the real Invisible Hand is from the Golden Horseshoe Bank, the foremost institution of Araionn.
+0.1 Yearly Inflation Reduction

Incentives of Ara's FaithThroughout Escann there are many who follow beliefs that are contrary to ours, which is an endangerment to the stability of our economy. A strategy to end this problem would be to offer incentives for those unbelievers to convert to Ara's way, including the ending of special taxes levied on them.
+2% Missionary Strength

Rebuilding the Homestead ActFollowing the Greentide, much of the land has been left bare. While others see destruction, we see opportunity. We can improve and develop these lands for profit, like how you may renovate a rundown home.
-15% Development Cost

Mercantile EspionageOthers seek knowledge through intricate spy networks established in royal courts and border fortresses. Araionn, however, focuses on utilizing loyal merchants to supply us with knowledge of our enemies or potential enemies, often far more effective than other's efforts.
+20% Spy Network Construction

Pursuit of HappinessForemost of all things, the pursuit of happiness is considered sacred in Araionn. And true happiness comes with solid wealth. If we instill a national understanding that wealth flows from the actions of the government, it will be much easier to receive full taxes from the ultra-wealthy.
+20% National Tax Modifier


