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Primary Culture

-10% Development Cost
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Academy of Alchemy Herbalism and PotioncraftAltough the Academy wouldn't be officially founded until the early 1600's, the county of Varainé had long been a gathering place for several groups of practitioners of the academy's arts. The local government, seeing the potential of these gatherings, started recognizing these congregations, then encouraging them (To much backlash from their neighbors Leslinpár, who saw these gatherings as a way of stealing graduates from their medical school), and eventually, with the help of potionmakers and even some mages, building the infrastructure needed for permanent exercise of these trades in the city, which would lead to the foundation of the Academy itself.
-10% Idea Cost

An Army of Favors"(...)hereby declared, by the honorable captain of the Company of the Iron Turtle, Knight Emeric Stratten, that in lieu of payment for goods and services provided by the County of Varainé and his excellency Count Tomás I sil Varainé to the Company over the last decades, the Company shall provide military support and training for the army of the county, as means of assisting with the losses incurred by the recipient during the Lilac Wars" - 1455 Decree, admiting the inclusion of Adventurers into Varainé's army following the Lilac Wars.
-20% Mercenary Cost

Like RabbitsWhile the most well known usage of the potions created by Varainéy potionmakers has historically been for military, medicinal, or arcane purposes, the famed concoctions also served a prominent role in everyday life. Virility tonics, for example, became a very popular product amongst the nobility, due to their life affirming and, ahem, reproductive benefits for both lords and ladies. Somewhat related, Varainé's barges in the infamous River Parties, while not as bombastic as some of their neighbor's, were filled to the brim with adventurous partygoers eager to try out the various stimulating effects of the tonics on sale.
+25% Chance of New Heir
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

The Green RiverVarainé's most distinguishing natural feature is, without a doubt, it's namesake in the Elven Tongue: the Green River. A stretch of the larger Logrodainé river, a tributary of the Esmar, the Green River has attracted all sorts of groups throughout history, from the original elven settlements in the region, to the posterior definitive development of Varainé proper by the Esmarian Kingdom. What drew both of these groups and more to settling in the region is both the reason for the River's distinctive color and it's main utility: Sulfur. As a result of the volcanic activity of Mount Havoral in the Day of Ashen Skies, Varainé became home to all sorts of volcanic chemicals - mostly sulfides - that besides giving the river its faint green-yellow coloring, also serves as the basis of several important Varainéy industries, such as the production of Fertilizers, Glassware, Gunpowder, Pharmaceuticals, Beauty products, and Alchemicals.
+10% Production Efficiency

Pluralism and SyncretismLocated in the eastern portions of Esmaria, Varainé has always been the meeting point of several cultures and races: Esmari, Arannese, Alenics, Elves, Half-Elves, Dwarves and Gnomes all co-habit peacefully, in and around Varainé. Thus, once the Corinite religion started circulating through the empire, followed by the spread of Ravelianism, Varainé was not only prepared for the peaceful coexistence of several beliefs, as it also managed to get the most out of all the new ideas and perspectives they brought to the nation.
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

Alchemical Exploration CorpsHaving started out as a special military unit with barely 100 members, with the express goal of discovering rare ingredients to fuel Varainé's potions industry, one can wonder how the Alchemical Exploration Corps ended up becoming Varainé's de-facto diplomatic institution. But as the corps ventured the world, making contact with various cultures and races, establishing embassies, encouraging trade, and much more - all in the pursuit of accomplishing its intended purpose - it became clearer and clearer that this institution had the potential to become something greater. As such, while officially the Corps' mission remained unaltered, the group became the main representative of Varainéy diplomacy (and in may cases, Cannor as a whole), fostering relations with nations from Eordand to Far Haless.
+10% Artificers Loyalty Equilibrium
-25% Envoy Travel Time

Fine Powder"While gunpowder had been known and employed by Dwarves since before the fall of Aul-Dwarov, in Cannor the explosive only saw widespread usage after the Greentide. And central to the spread of gunpowder to Cannor was the Esmarian county of Varainé: As a natural source of Sulfur, Potash and Charcoal, it was a prime location for the production and development of this resource. And whilst other nations such as Telgeir would be in the forefront of worldwide weapons production, Varainé powder would remain some of the finest in Cannor, if not in all Halann" - Excerpt from 'Fine Powder: The History of Firearms', 1892, by Dostan sína Ronn
+10% Land Fire Damage

+10% Manpower Recovery Speed


