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Primary Culture

-10% Development Cost
+1 Diplomats

Town Criers in all TownsTown Criers are present in all walks of life, where it be a local market in Byshade to the court of the Lorentish King. These criers can be called to represent the interests of Tellum anywhere and anytime, and are highly skilled due to their first class education at Tellum College. It is said their cries have been known to reach 100 deci-bells.
+2 Diplomatic Relations

Tellum College of Town CriersThe esteemed college (TCTC abbreviated) teaches students how to speak the truth. Classes include: bell ringing 101, the philosophy of speech, and fake news.
+50% Innovativeness Gain
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

Tellumite EspionageNot all town criers are easy to see and hear. Some lurk in the shadows, some present themselves in courts as everyday courtiers, and some simply lend their mouths to the advice of rulers across Cannor. To gather truth you must first gather information.
+100% Foreign Spy Detection
+100% Spy Network Construction

Cry to the Heavens, so the Dead may HearA motto at the core of Tellum culture, so much so that at Tellumite funerals attendees are encouraged to scream, shout and cry, as they believe it will help their loved ones pass into the land of the dead with ease.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

International Crier TaxThere is no doubt a great abundance of town criers across the endless villages, towns and cities of Cannor... and all those are rumoured to pay tithe to Tellum itself.
+10% National Tax Modifier

For Whom the Bells TollThe truth that town criers speak is allegedly gained from their clandestine network of spies, but what is certain is that when Tellum cries for truth, the people rise to answer.
+100% Rebel Support Efficiency

Council of CriersThe Council of Criers is the ruling body of the criers, controlling the flow of information from the shadows. It is rumoured that the council has had a hand (or mouth) in every major event in Anbennar - they are more powerful than you can imagine.
-5% All Power Costs
-20% Envoy Travel Time

+1 Free Policies


