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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Relations
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

Exiles of the DragonwakeA thousand years ago our ancestors lived in the Gnomish Newlands under the banners of the glorious Gnomish Hierarchy, when the Dragons awoke, causing countless kobolds to rise up and destroy many of our cities and forcing us to flee from what is now called the 'Dragon Coast'. We spent centuries wandering from country to country until we finally settled in Esmaria. Of course, during our migration we learned how to efficiently move a large group of people through the countryside...
+10% National Manpower Modifier
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Esmari InfluencesWe have been in Esmaria for centuries, in that time it is only natural that we adopted some of the customs of our saviours, including their religion. To make our ties with our neighbours even stronger, Giberd can also count a bustling human minority as part of its citizenry, with them being able to elect representatives for the city council. We are as Esmari as anyone.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Institution of the Gibing DayWhen the kobolds rose up, we were cut off from our people, some of which went south to serve the king of Lorent and another one went West to a small island, we were left with no choice but go East, where we were harassed by fleeing Alenic tribes. We were however able to pass through the Damescrown arriving in Esmaria, where the king graciously accepted our request for a plot of land. Many among us call it 'The Gibing', and for some it was a festivity. To reinforce our ties with the region, we have now officially instituted the 'Gibing Day' as a festivity.
+10% Improve Relations

Giberd Civil Engineering AcademyWhen people mention the gnomes, the first thing that comes to their minds is our craftsmanship. Though our permanence in Esmaria has modified our way of life, we still have our skills. Recently, though, there have been cities which, thanks to the riches of the new world, have expanded greatly. Some of the gnomish scholars in Konwell have returned with the idea to institute a dedicated urbanistic engineering academy which will serve us well in keeping up with the rest of the world.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Development Cost

Smooth GiberdiSome say that we were accepted in Esmaria due to the king liking smallfolk, some say because he needed our help to fend off the Alenic tribes, while the rest point out to our delicious gnomish liqueur, the 'Smooth Giberdi', which is still the preferred drink for the river parties of our neighbours. Though history suggests the second theory is the right one, our permanence in Esmaria gives validity to the other two theories.
+1 Diplomats

The Perilous GroundsThe discoveries brought home from Aelantir truly changed the world as we know it, from religion to, of course, technology. Some of our adventurers brought home several 'souvenirs' from the ancestral home of the elves, and those souvenirs are the joy of our engineers, who have basically gone crazy with experiments. By setting a desolated area dedicated to these experiments, we may at least not destroy our city, maybe even learn something from them.
+15% Production Efficiency

Artificer Loading Exoskeleton V1Gnomes aren't renowned for their physical prowess. We always had to use over encumbering machinery to lift weights that humans are able to lift with their bare hands, and they too have limits, not wanting to work all day long like all gnomes. Our master engineers, though, have finally developed an exoskeleton that can be worn by gnomes, maybe even making larger ones for our human companions, that make us able to lift and transport cargo that we didn't even think was able to be moved in the first place.
+15% Trade Steering

+20% Global Trade Power


