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Primary Culture

+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Forefront of Alenic IncursionsElkmarch’s halflings have never been privileged with long periods of peace the same way their southern peers have. Since the times of the Small Kingdom, the descendants of the Oakfoot Halflings have borne the brunt of past Gawedi incursions. This has made them serious, stern, and perhaps even grim folk. Yet, those who stay with them long enough can notice that under the right circumstances, they can be just as kind as any other halflings, if not more so. After all, they’ve learned to be reserved and not to take things for granted nor to worry about their hardships for too long.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Halfling RangersElkmarch encompasses the Small Country's largest forest, so it's only natural that the region has a long tradition of rangers. Halflings are surprisingly suited for the profession: they're naturally adept with projectile weaponry thanks to their keen sight and excellent hand-eye coordination, which is further complimented by their preternatural stealth. But natural talent only goes so far. Elkmarch's halflings also excel at tracking and other wilderness skills, in order to keep up with their prey and navigate through rough terrain with ease. These highly-skilled hunters and trackers serve as Elkmarch's most skilled warriors at times of war, and have given rise to some of Elkmarch's most skilled military leaders regardless of their gender and social class.
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+15% Movement Speed

Lessons of the Uelairey WarsDespite their many wars against Alenic invaders, Elkmarchers' true vendetta is against the Uelairey, for the crime of seizing half of Elkmarch as payment for their services after the War of the Sorcerer-King. For two centuries, Elkmarch spearheaded the halfling states' efforts to reunite their lands and to depose Uelaire. While these efforts were ultimately unsuccessful, the decades of guerrilla warfare contributed to Uelairey culture's endemic paranoia, and taught Elkmarch's generals many things about ambushes and supporting foreign insurgencies.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+25% Rebel Support Efficiency

Oakfoot Forest CodeHalflings have mostly deforested the Small Country to make way for their farms. This led to Elkmarch having strict codes for forest preservation to avoid wood shortages, dating all the way back to the Small Kingdom in the 600s. The local shire-reeves cracked down hard on unlawful logging by peasants and freemen, ensuring that Elkmarch had more than enough wood to meet the Small Country's demands. The surplus timber was sold abroad for a good profit, as the rest of Cannor gradually deforested their lands over the centuries.
-5% Construction Cost
+10% Domestic Trade Power

United by the HuntressIt comes as no surprise that in a land where hunting is so significant and rangers are the first line of defence against enemies, Falah is Elkmarch's most popular deity. This is demonstrated by Elkwood being home to the largest temple of Falah west of Dameshead. Falahite clergy has traditionally served as a unifying force in the region, bringing a sense of community and unity to the populace. Falah's worship hasn't diminished at all as Elkmarch embraced the Corinite faith that Escanni halfling adventurers brought to their homeland. Elkmarch's halflings' shared reverence of the goddess has kept the Corinite majority, the local Regent Court minorities, and emerging Ravelian communities in harmony with one another.
+20% Religious Unity

The Woodchaser MarchAt the end of the year, unmarried halfling rangers across Elkmarch dress in elkskin garments, horned masks and large bells, parading across the villages and dancing until dawn. Known as the Woodchaser March, this peculiar tradition has many legends surrounding its origin. Some claim it originates from the Dragonwake, when halflings supposedly dressed as forest monsters to scare away Alenic invaders fleeing from Lencenor. According to others they're scaring away evil spirits or even winter itself.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Preservation of Old CustomsElkmarch's isolated forest villages have preserved many old folk traditions that have vanished in the rest of the Small Country. Once seen as unsophisticated and behind the times, the rise of national romanticism made Elkmarch's culture popular among halflings as representing a more authentic halfling culture that has been lost elsewhere, making it a source of pride for Elkmarchers.
+10% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces
-1% Prestige Decay

-15% Shipbuilding Time


