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Primary Culture

-10% Development Cost
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Tempering AmbitionBluehart has always been surrounded by ambitious lords, eager to feast upon the riches of the Luna. Many a would-be conqueror have been turned away from our city, though not through the sword, but through the power of words. Our officials are experts in negotiating peace and reconciliation even with the most belligerent warlords, keeping our people safe from the horrors of combat.
+20% Improve Relations

Legacy of the HartlordOur city was originally founded as a legionary camp of the 21st Legion of Dameria, also known as the Legion XXI Hart. When the Republic fell to the Dragonwake, the former commander took control of the situation, allowing panicked civilians to flock to his protection and enforcing stability across the suddenly lawless frontier. In time he became known as The Hartlord, a paragon of peace and law, and when the Kingdom of Dameria rose from the ashes of the Republic, he readily submitted the new city of Bluehart to their rule, dying in his sleep as peacefully as he reigned. We hope to continue his legacy, acting as a force for goodwill despite whatever horrors wrack the lands around us.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Heart of the LunaWith the exception of Port Munas, our city is the largest on the Luna River. A prime destination for trade flowing downstream from the Wexhills, Blueharter merchants have little trouble finding markets to trade with from the comfort of home.
+10% Global Trade Power

CymcestirThe old legion camp is known as the Cymcestir, though it hasn't been used for its original wartime purposes for quite some time. Ever since the reign of The Hartlord, the compound has been used as a diplomatic complex, providing comforting accommodations for foreign dignitaries and secure rooms for tense negotiations.
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Sons of the XXIEach member tracing direct lineage to the soldiers of the Legion XXI Hart, the Sons of the XXI are the brave sentinels of Bluehart, they alone are permitted to bear arms within city limits. They're said to fight with the ferocity of ten men each, determined to safeguard the city their ancestors fought for, that their children will grow up in, and that their descendants will continue to defend.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

City of TranquilityWhile turmoil brews around the city, none reaches past our city gates. Within the city is an atmosphere of tranquility, largely untouched by whatever calamity plagues the rest of the Empire.
-2 National Unrest

Olóiegéanur AcademyThe Cymcestir was expanded and converted into the Olóiegéanur Academy in 1604 as a result of simmering tensions within the fabric of Anbennar. The professors of the establishment find great gratification in training the next generation of statesmen and emissaries to act as agents of peace, ready to mend broke bridges across the Empire and assist in healing the wounds of the past.
+1 Diplomats

+10% National Tax Modifier


