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Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Relations
+15% Trade Efficiency

Money over BloodWhile Esmarainé used to be the heart of Esmari nobility as the capital of the Kingdom and Grand Duchy of Esmaria, the mysterious disappearance of the Grand Duke of Esmaria and his family in 1365 and the following Esmari Succession Crisis changed the city forever.\n\nThe Esmarainéy river merchants, who for decades had been amassing wealth and power within, took the Grand Duke's death as an opportunity to seize political power and become the rulers of the city, managing to convince or coerce all remaining nobility in the city to support their claim. The recently elected Emperor of Anbennar, Vincen I Silmuna, wishing to keep the city from the hands of any Lorent-backed nobles who aspired to reunify the region amidst the conflicts of the Lilac Wars, supported the merchant takeover. Thus, Esmarainé was proclaimed a Free City of the Empire, solidifying and protecting the River Merchants as the new rulers of the city.
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Bal MasquésThe Jexisian Empire's 12th conquest of Esmarainé - along with most of East Dameshead - despite lasting only a decade, still had major impacts on local cultures. During the so-called 'Decade of Masks', the usage of masks during parties and balls became commonplace for the nobility as a way to imitate the fashions of Jexis' court. Though the practice would largely die off in most places in the years after the collapse of her empire, in Esmarainé, local nobles would take a liking to such customs, and as such, the use of masks and disguises would remain an important part of local culture. Masquerade balls became a staple of the city's high society, with special barges dedicated to such events for both everyday usage and for the decennial River Parties.
-1% Prestige Decay

Snake in the Garden'In Esmarainé,\nWhere coin is worth more than deed,\nAnd the merchants strut with pride,\nWalking through streets paved with greed.\n\nIn Esmarainé,\nWhere deep secrets surely thrive,\nlust and depravity rule,\nIn the shadows they connive.\n\nIn Esmarainé,\nWhere the guards patrol the streets,\nBut all justice is for sale,\nwith corruption running deep.\n\nIn Esmarainé,\nWhere indulgence is the goal,\nThe people give in to sin,\nAnd all morals hear the toll.\n\nIn Esmarainé'\n\nIn Esmarainé, poem by Tomás síl na And, 1578
-15% Reelection Cost
+10% Spy Network Construction

Between Three GoddessesAs the former capital of the realm named after her, it is no surprise that the most people of the city of Esmarainé are devout followers of the goddess Esmaryal. Home of the Mother's Sanctuary, the largest temple to the goddess in all of Halann, Esmarainé is also the base for the Priesthood of Esmaryal, which is well known and well liked within the city for its various acts of charity, as well as for the general support the priesthood provides to the Esmarainéy people.\n\nOver the last few decades, however, the priesthood of Esmaryal has been under much scrutiny due to the increasingly large role it has been playing in the city's politics and commerce, as well as many of the priests'... indecent behaviour. These factors, combined with whispers of the worship of Forsara and Hedine - traitorous goddesses of greed and lust - have led many to wonder about the priesthood’s, and the city's, true religious allegiances.
+1 Diplomatic Free Policies

The Glass BubbleThe Glassblowers Guild of Esmarainé is one of the oldest and most respected guilds in the city. Established in the late 800's AA, the guild has been a staple of the city's economy for centuries. Ever since the seizure of power in the city by the various river merchants, the Guild has expanded into one of the largest producers of glass in all of Halann. Members of the guild are highly sought after for their expertise in creating delicate glass sculptures, jewelry, and other decorative pieces, and their works can be seen around Esmarainé, from the stained glass windows of the Grand Temple of Esmaryal to the grand glass dome of the guild's headquarters - the so called Glass Bubble.
+10% Production Efficiency

All Rivers Flow to the EsmarEsmaria has always been known for its vibrant and unique culture, with its infamous parties and extravagant fashion. Located in the heart of the Esmar river, Esmarainé is at the meeting point of all the rivers and peoples in the region, leading the city to become the cultural heart of Esmaria. The city's grand parties and fancy fashion showcase the best of all the surrounding nations, from the clothes of Estallen, to the music of Seinathíl, to the gadgets of Giberd, and much more, all of these cultural influences coming together to create the most glorious and awe-inspiring parties in Cannor.
+20% Improve Relations

The Floating MarketThe Esmar River, and its various offshoots, play a pivotal role in Esmarainé, as not only is the river the source of much of the city's income through trade, it's also a major part of the city's infrastructure; transportation through riverways and canals is as common as through roads even within the city boundaries. A prime example of this central role played by the river is Esmarainé's Floating Market, where wares of all types are sold from various merchants's anchored barges. Some avid customers even take to their own boats, hoping to make a deal with the merchants before reaching the docks, to ensure they get the first pick of whatever goods are being brought for the day.
+1 Merchants

+15% Global Trade Power


