Ryalan Temple

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Ryalan Temple

Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+50% Female Advisor Chance
-2 National Unrest

The Order of The Unblemished MaidenIn the year 1208, The Order of The Unblemished Maiden was organized by its founder, Leithia the First, to spread the virtues of Ryala throughout Esmaria. Serving to aid the defense of the Duchy of Ryalanar throughout many of the petty conflicts that have ever marred the region, the valiant folk of the order were soon granted land in Loveswood to organize themselves and further their aims. When Ryalanar declined due to a devastating war in which Laurenne Ryalan, avatar of Ryala, perished and uncontested independence was declared by the Count of Konwell, Ryalanar eventually fell into the callous hands of a particularly cruel and unjust Duke of Themarenn in 1270. In short time, the order seized the whole of Loveswood and united with the Ryalan Temple, serving as its militant arm in a revolt that resulted in the death of the Themarennic Duke and a suing of peace soon following. Since the establishment of the Temple's sovereignty, the order has served as the standing guard and military force of the Temple, ever-watchful for a new tyrant to dare curb the faithful of Ryala.
-10% Shock Damage Received

The Ryalan PrivilegeWhen the Temple's sovereignty was gained from Themarenn, it was sudden. Priests and priestesses who had only ever wanted to preach to their congregations were called upon to be administrators, lawmakers, and tax-collectors. For a brief period, it would seem that the Temple would flounder as a nearly anarchic entity and allow Themarenn to reassert its rule over Ryalanar. Yet, amongst the clergy, a priestess by name of Kerstie of Tretun would rise to carry the burden of leadership and the mantle of High Priestess. It was she who skillfully negotiated with the Emperor to convince him to enact "The Ryalan Privilege": a statute stating that in return for the Temple's legitimization and blessings of all Emperors' weddings in perpetuity, the Emperor would reaffirm the Temple's right to govern Ryalanar Proper and Loveswood. In addition, the High Priestess would be the final authority in the Empire when matters of legitimacy of marriage and bastards, divorce, or other such matters presented themselves amongst the Anbennarian nobility.
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

Patroness of Every CourtRyala is the patron goddess of young ladies, entertainers, and, perhaps most pragmatically, courtiers; and therefore the Temple have always welcomed persons of skill, repute, and any else who have proven their worth within the court. Within the Ryalan temples dotting Cannor, one will often find that they double as informal schools for aspiring courtiers, or simply those who wish to ingratiate themselves with their local lords, and submit themselves to a period of tutelage under the priests. Of course, during this tutelage is always the encouragement and incentivization to join the ranks of Ryala's faithful in a more direct way, assuring a constant influx of select experts to help guide the Temple just as the Temple, and Lady Ryala, have guided them.
-10% Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

The Binding RitesWhat are actually the traditional and complex Ryalan marriage rites are often only practiced by the most devout or privileged members of Cannorian society, with a more simplistic version being utilized by commoners. As for the more traditional ceremonies, the Ryalan Vow is often given in full by bride and groom during the marriage ceremony:\n\n"Faith has long begotten, the fruits upon the world. 'Tis not to be forgotten, like a mother's love unfurled. Oh shining light of heaven, upon whose breath we live, the goddess most anointed by the kiss of Destiny. Bless the bands most holy, to bind us anon. Ryala, blessings most worthy, let the wedded become as one."\n\nFurthermore, the most ancient and venerable tradition practiced by any able faithful is that of "binding bands". As told in legend, many of the soldiers following Castan II Beastbane during his Second Great Cleansing pillaged trophies of exotic wood never before seen in Castanor and had them fashioned into rings as personal mementos and gifts for their beloveds upon returning home. The custom of the twin bands evolved to be associated with - and became the dominant symbol of - Ryala (and therefore true love) and was proselytized throughout the old empire to noble and commoner alike to both honor Castan's success and help popularize the first marriage rites of the emergent Cult of Ryala.
+15% Religious Unity
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Springtime Floods of The RyalJust as the river Esmar flows through Esmaria, so too does the Ryal flow through old Ryalanar. Oddly, the Ryal, by proportion, floods its banks nearly twice as high as nearby rivers every thawing of the spring and many consider this phenomenon to be a holy occurence. In fact, the flooding of the river is so consistent that natural scientists within the Empire have been able to predict river levels within an infinitesimal margin of error. Curiously, the villages and towns lining the Ryal have also been the origin of more than a few avatars of Ryala. Whether this is due to the increased presence of Ryalan clergy in the area to recognize avatars or the river being truly blessed by Ryala is still a hotly debated topic amongst the top scholars of the faith.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Lovelost SchismAs tensions between supporters of Adean and Corin during the era of religious wars in Cannor rose and the Ryalan Temple officially voiced support for Adean's claim to the Court's throne, a popular, reactive movement - referred to at the time by Adeanic loyalists as "The Lovelost Schism" - basing itself primarily among the ardent Ryalan Sisterhood in Ravenmarch took hold that toppled the established rites and rituals of Ryala in favor of 'Corinite' alternatives. Traditional Ryalan marriages were considered by many Corinite folk in Escann as overly formal and even austere occasions; and most importantly: a symbol of Adeanic control. Among other upheavals, the most noteable and controversial was the disregard of the old marriage ceremonies: replaced by immethodical celebrations, wedding bands by cameo pendants, and white dresses by simple blouses; further reinforcing the Cannorian religious and cultural divide. It was not until the Corinite Wars had reached their apex that the High Priestess of Ryala, in an effort to limit violence between sects, proclaimed that the new Escanni marriages and customs would be considered legitimate by the clergy of Ryala and upheld as the "Canons of Escanni Rite".
+1 Diplomatic Free Policies

War In The Name of LoveIf one facet of life is known to be true, it is that men will go to lengths courting absurdity in the names of their beloveds. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the legends of the avatars of Ryala. Of old ages past, tyrannical warlords and righteous kings alike vyed for the hands of Lady Ryala's incarnations, hoping to prove themselves worthy by word or pursuing their desire through deeds of arms and armies: tales as ancient as the faith itself. Yet, these tales are not just that: the most recent conflict for an avatar being between the Duchies of Cestirande and Istralore. As the conflict reached unprecedented levels of bloodshed with no end in sight, the Emperor declared all hostilities between the two duchies must cease in order for the matter to be settled by the High Priestess of Ryala. It was ruled that a contest of affection would be held with the ultimate choice of who she would wed, if any, being decided by the avatar herself, marking what is known as the first diplomatic solution to a conflict for the hand of a Ryalan avatar.
+1 Diplomats

+20% Improve Relations


