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Primary Culture

+20% Improve Relations
+25% Trade Steering

Bound By The Ring Of SilverWhen our beloved Reánna síl Madelaire married Cristof Silmuna-Wesdam, they swore to be faithful to each other until the last of their days. That night she was granted a truly beautiful ring, made of pure silver for he was a Silmuna, adorned with a pure damestear crystal, carved into the shape of a rose for she was a descendant of the Wine Lords. The crystal was used to keep a simple transmutation spell that protected the silver from ever tarnishing.\nBut in 1440 Cristof was taken away from her far too soon, as he died during the Fourth Lilac War. When she found out about his unfortunate passing, she glanced at her ring. It was glowing as radiantly as it did the day it was made, not stained by a single smudge. At that moment, she realized that they were not connected in a mere union of a man and a woman. No. It was not only Reánna and Cristof who were united in wedlock. When they got married, Wesdam and Madelaire nearly became one as well. As long as they exist, we are here to defend our promise. For not even death will do us part.
+10% Morale of Armies

Divided Land, United PeopleTo govern a divided land like ours, one has to be creative. Our solution to the issue is to turn it into an opportunity. Once in a few years, lords from one of our enclaves visit those from another to see how they deal with matters that they are better suited for, feast on local delicacies and return home with newly found friendships and ideas.
-2 National Unrest

No More ThroatcuttersAnother night, another competitor is gone. As far as I know, I may be the only one selling greenskins in the city now. They said it would be risky selling here. Profitable, but risky. And I should have listened. Alas, now it's too late, the sun has set, and I know I'm next.\n- The only thing found after the disappearance of a slave-trader in 1590, the year after the slave trade abolition.\n\n The outside world perceives us as a country with an extremely harsh approach to dealing with ruffians, bandits, thieves, and other outlaws. The fact is, however, that no one in Madelaire knows for sure what happens to those who oppose us. Each settlement has its own explanation for this phenomenon, some say it's the deeds of adventurers, some say it's the overzealous paladins and some are even mad enough to ramble nonsense about some cultists or even devils. In the end, the roads are safer, and it's one less problem to worry about, so it's probably better this way. The only certain thing is that this is the work of a professional, as not even a single drop of blood is left behind.
+10% Foreign Spy Detection
+5% Trade Efficiency

Madelairey WhiteOur nobles have many differences, yet they share something in common - Madelairey White. While not particularly popular with foreigners, who consider it too sweet, our people can't get enough of it. They. Love. It. Just about the right hint of chestnut and berries and its lingering oaky flavor is what makes it simply perfect for their palates. And if they crave a few discounted bottles, they will gladly cooperate.
-5% Nobility Influence
+5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

The Serene TwinOnce Madaléin was promised the county of Greatfield and once she was deprived of it. But one thing that no one could ever take away from her was her serenity. Sure, her twin sister Eilís may have ended up with a bigger portion of the inheritance, but she was too blind to see how much she really lost. She had to beg, she had to plead, she had to demean herself so low. And for what? For a piece of land? She had to do all the things that Madaléin would never have done. For Madeléin was good, she was noble, and she was the embodiment of all the virtues that Eilís lacked.
+1.5 Diplomatic Reputation

Lance Of The BayThe Bay of Wines, ruled by the Wine Lords, is a place full of joy and fortune. The ones who live here are hence easily tempted to fall for their simple needs and for their primal urges. While most keep these desires in check, some venture too far beyond the point of no return. And while wine is a good servant, it makes a very bad lord. Of course, we don't deprive ourselves of happiness, we hold Minara in very high regard after all. But it is Adean who we truly revere. So while we like to celebrate we'd rather do so on a tourney than in a brothel, and maybe there we raise a toast or two to our knights for they are the lances of virtue and decency in the bay.
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability
-1% Prestige Decay

The Rose In BlossomIn our union with Wesdam, we learned to love and to care. We learned to give and to share. But nothing lasts forever. In a land far away beyond Dameshead sea, in Escann lies a country called Rogieria. There in the year 1533 was born a man called Ellís I Silmuna who wed our marchioness Laurentíne Silmuna-Wesdam. And just like that, orphaned us. We stayed alone even through Ellís's warmongering when we were pillaged and deflowered by the enemy armies, in the war that we never wanted.\n Ellís was quick to abandon us, quick to leave Wesdam widowed.\n A long, long time ago, Madaléin and Eilís had an older brother, Kylian. While the twins were both granted ducal titles, Kylian eventually became the king of Lorent. In 1582 Madelaire returned to the embrace of her older brother when it became a part of Lorent, still ruled by Kylian's descendants. There, we learned to love again. And soon, we will learn to bloom.
-5% Development Cost

+1 Merchants


