Minaran Temple

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Minaran Temple

Primary Culture

+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Diplomats
+50% Female Advisor Chance

Temple ChildrenIt is no secret that the copulation of lustful love produces offspring aplenty. Ryala may look down at us for the creation of children outside of the lock of marriage, but Esmaryal the mother as well as Minara is proud of us for bringing life into this world. From Minara's Bosom there is no shortage of children that may be trained for tasks we need, and there will no doubt be ones that may defend our Temple may the need arise.
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed
yes May Recruit Female Generals

Carnal FestivalsThe calendar year is studded with festivals, celebrations, and feasts dedicated to Minara. Both the common people and the nobility take pleasure in this debauchery, or as we know them, pious activities. All take assurance that they are naught but a fortnight from the next Minaran holiday.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

Exalted CompanionsThe chosen of Minara, the Exalted Companions are masters of seduction and lovemaking. They are not just pretty dolls meant to be played with: the Companions are also known for their intelligence and creativity. The Exalted Companions are seen amongst the elite institutions of art and science, unafraid of whispering about their legendary promiscuity.
-10% Advisor Cost

Protectors of the VulnerableThe Goddess of Celebrations is not only revered for her carnal portfolio, but also as a guardian of vulnerable women and men. Minara is the patron of free love and lust, but does not condone those who would abuse this and bring harm instead of consensual pleasure. The Minaran Temple vows to protect all who need it, and act as vengeful agents against the sexual predators.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Courtesanic EspionageThe most ancient of professions has had a hidden application for almost as long: those engaged in the grasp of love often talk of their life. Points of pride, moments of regret, private information not easily acquired. If one requires redacted knowledge, few men or women can resist a pleasurable tumble.
+20% Spy Network Construction

Divine LoversDuring the Third Lilac War a desperate army from Rubenaire sought to sack Minara's Bosom to finance their war with Lorent. The Minaran Temple had little to defend itself, and surely would have been looted if not for the soldiers on leave from nations of every faction that banded together to protect it. The soldiers were bonded together from their experience of mutual love, and felt an obligation to Minara to protect her temple that had brought light to their lives. They bravely fought the Rubenairey, routing them after weeks of prolonged siege and combat. Since then the Minaran Temple has sought to encourage its lovestruck guests to take arms whenever the need arises.
+15% Recover Army Morale Speed

Milk of MinaraOnce relegated for the most sacred of religious processions, the Milk of Minara has become popular across Lencenor and foreign markets. This delicacy red wine carries a tone of apple and is varnished with spices, giving it a sweet but sharp taste that many Lorentish noblemen claim promotes emboldened stamina.
+10% Production Efficiency

-0.1 Yearly Corruption


