Gerudaghot Ideas

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+5% Discipline
+1 Land Leader Shock

Until the Stones GrowWhen they see the mountains of old\n The hearts of men grow cold\n Not one inch of land\nWill have a turn of hand\n Gerudaghot, Gerudaghot!\n\nThrough the ice\nTheir armies will feel the vice\nUntil the stones grow\nNot one knee will bow\nGerudaghot, Gerudaghot!\n\n-Gerudaghot marching song, inscribed by Chronicler Oxtir Troog (1704)
+15% Fort Defence
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Mammoth BoomThe destruction of the humans has restored the order that once ruled everything. The natural order that saw it fit for giants to rule is back and here to stay, with the leftover tracks of Gerudian farmland becoming good eating for the mammoths that once roamed the land. The news of their return has spread across the continent, and has piqued the interest of puny humans looking to buy furs and tusks only we can provide.
-10% Cavalry Cost
+10% Global Trade Power

Slave Mines of DalrThe mines of Dalrfjäll are of extreme importance to our new empire and our future plans. These caves are worked by humans, meatbags slaving away in the mines to earn their right to eat and sleep, providing us with the materials we need to continue our wars while they get our protection. But recently we've heard reports of humans becoming overstressed and rather... unsavory. Because of this, we changed the system of labor used in the mines, providing the wimpy little meatbags with proper schedules of work, ensuring they work good and grumble less.
+10% Production Efficiency

Geruds ChosenGerud was the ice giant that ruled over the land eleven thousand years ago. The frost giants made us to protect them against any outsiders who dare approach the cold towers of the north. Every man, woman and child of Gerudaghot knows that defending the north is what we must do. By marking our warriors with the runes of the frost king we can remind them that we are the chosen ones that will protect the north until the end of days!
+15% Morale of Armies

The OrdningThe world operates under a simple principle: the big rule over the small, and the small suck it up and do what we say. Problem is, the puny humans and their stinky allies found ways to turn our weaknesses against us, disrupting the natural balance of the world. Even now, as we rule over a land gained through our superiority, there are still those dumb enough to challenge our right to rule over them like the bugs they are. The discovery of the frost towers left by the giants here millennia ago have proven our beliefs beyond any shadow of a doubt, and has given us a greater, more concrete mandate that We are the Giant's chosen!
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

NifltrolleriThe cold cannot hurt a troll, neither can the swords or sledgehammers of the dumb soldiers we've faced over the years. But with time the secret of our weakness to fire and acid became widespread, especially in this era of black powder and cannonballs. By calling on the power of the runes, we can bring the freezing cold with us and have our armies wear it like a moving blizzard, freezing bullets and turning any warriors willing to fight us into tasty meatsicles.
-10% Fire Damage Received

Recipes of Every RaceNothing is more legendary than the hunger of us trolls, whether it be the smallest troll child or the greatest of warchiefs, our love of a good meal is universal, and it shows in our recipes. Our contact with other races has greatly expanded our culinary palate, and we appreciate their contributions in the expansion of troll culinary culture, whether it be in stews, mashes, or puddings. With choices like these, no troll in our empire will be left wanting!
-2 National Unrest

-15% Core-Creation Cost