Grombari Ideas

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-15% Infantry Cost
+20% Infantry Combat Ability

Gond HormotGond Hormot, "the Code of Honor", is the first written code of laws in the Orcish world. The legal system described in it puts pressure on Orcish cultural values such as strength, bravery and kindred relationships inside clans. Also it was significantly softer than tribal orcish laws, which can be basically described as "harm set, harm get".
-2 National Unrest

+1 Colonists
+10% Trade Steering

+5% Discipline

+1 Administrative Free Policies

Tarugs of the Northern PassTarug - "sheared wood" in Orcish - was a name for fortified settlements that Grombar's settlers built in the North Passage to protect the settlers from the local ogres, trolls and goblins. The construction of the Tarugs taught us to build powerful fortifications and at the same time use resources efficiently to maintain them in any conditions.
+10% Fort Defence
-10% Fort Maintenance

Ambitions of Temar IronseaTemar Ironsea became the Grombari king after the final monarch of the Frozenmaw dynasty died during the Corinite Wars. He was the former king's son-in-law and admiral of the Grombari Fleet, taking his throne after defeating his opponent in Ozarm'Chadash, a ritual fight for rule over the country. During his rule he established the strongest fleet in the North and defeated the armadas of the Gerudian and Alenic Reach trade leagues. He is rightfully called the father of the modern Grombari navy.
+15% National Sailors Modifier
+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier

-30% Culture Conversion Cost

+15% Production Efficiency