Silblaidd Ideas

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+25% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+50% Cavalry Flanking Ability

Missionaries KnightsDespite their conquests, the Knights of the Order did not forget to propagate the religion of the six paths, to ensure that each new land conquered can be integrated as quickly as possible into the administration of the order.
+1 Missionaries

Shock and Fear tacticsShock and Fear. The main tactic used by the armies of the Order is an omni-directional charge, seeking to break the formation and morale of the enemy army in a single contact between the two forces.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+1 Land Leader Shock

The Blaidd TrialSeeking to maintain a very high standard for each unit of the army, any knight, infantryman or cannoneer must pass the Blaidd Trial. A series of physical and written tests that guarantee the absolute effectiveness of the soldier within his army corps. No weak links shall be tolerated.
+5% Discipline

By the SwordThe Haraf Desert belongs to us. Why? Because my sword is more effective than yours.
-25% Culture Conversion Cost
-20% Unjustified Demands

Selective BreedingAfter generations to carefully select the best stallions of each stable, it's obvious that today, the horses of the order are among the best in the world. Their reputation precedes them, as they know neither fatigue nor fear. And if the mount never fails, then never shall the Rider.
+25% Cavalry Combat Ability

Military EducationFrom a very young age, future leaders of the order are taught all they have to know about the art of war. From the main military doctrines, to the best logistic management. Every leader of the order is an expert both tactically and strategically.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

Efficient StableThe use of large-scale specialized stables to replace the traditional family farms allowed us to drastically reduce the costs of our stallions, and thanks to our strict standards, without losing an ounce of power in their legs, or courage in their heart.
-15% Cavalry Cost

+0.25 Cavalry Shock