Envermark Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Relations
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Fierce IndependenceOur people's independence must be held by any means necessary. We shall defend our lands and we shall never surrender!
-10% Fort Maintenance
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Olaf the Salmon SpeakerOlaf was a Skaldhyrric bard, born in Envermark in 1143, who was famed for his joyous songs and merry tunes. While many enjoyed listening to his songs that was not where their true strength lay, it was said the tunes were so joyous that it could cause entire schools of Salmon to jump out of the river onto land, bringing great bounties to the people of Envermark.\n\nThis branch of bardic magic is still practiced in Envermark to this day, however most are only capable of attracting a few fish in this way.
+10% Production Efficiency

Envermark Seal of QualityThe Envermark seal began as a means for Envermark fishermen to mark their catches in the early 13th century however after the Wars of Dominion caused a drop in food exports the Envermark Seal gained recognition in Gawed and northern areas of the empire as a mark of high quality produce.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

Galleys of the Giants GraveReachman galleys are second to none on the treacherous Giant's Grave.
+10% Galley Combat Ability

What Happens in the GreatwoodsEnvermark is located on the outskirts of the Greatwoods, whilst this brings many advantages, such as easy access to materials whilst also having room for expansion, the difficulties defining the exact borders within the Greatwoods has often lead to conflicts with our neighbours who accuse our huntsmen of encroaching on their territory. Of course this is not the case, however, it does provide a valuable opportunity. If we are to "encourage" our huntsmen to be more aggressive during their expeditions we could use their hunting grounds as proof of our claims to the territories, as well as allowing them to gather intelligence on our rivals.
-10% Cost to fabricate claims
+10% Spy Network Construction

The Salmon ProclamationBeginning in 1703, and due to the growing Gawedi industry in the region, there were growing concerns within the people of Envermark. With the construction of new watermills and other small industries along the river the salmon rush, which had long been a staple of Envermark culture, was yielding fewer and fewer fish year on year.\n\nWith tensions growing the then governor of Envermark decided to take action and drafted the "Salmon Proclamation" which guaranteed every person living within Envermark a number of Salmon each year. While the bill proved extremely difficult to enforce, it was enough to calm the people of Envermark and restore order to the city.
-2 National Unrest

Against Greater OddsWe are a people hardened by our surroundings and will never let man nor nature get the better of us, whatever the cost may be.
+10% Morale of Armies

+10% Trade Efficiency