Celmaldorian Ideas

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+10% Global Trade Power
+10% Trade Efficiency

Maldorian the NavigatorMaldorian was a navigator-turned-captain of the Remnant Fleet who followed fellow navigator Munas Moonsinger to Cannor. However when they arrived Maldorian and his followers refused to join Munas and fight in the War of the Sorcerer-King, instead opting to lead his large migrant ship, the Whitespear, to the western fringes of the Alenic Reach, which was then largely populated by Alenic tribes.\n\nThere, the Moon Elves decided to found a settlement and make it their new home, where they could live without being embroiled in wars led by human kings. The city was named Celmaldor, meaning the "Harbor of Maldorian".
-10% Light Ship Cost
+25% Colonial Range

Elves of the ReachWe are Reachmen too! While elves who followed Munas became subjects and nobility of human kingdoms, we refused to give up our freedom to the rulers of human world. While we are sovereign over many humans, our elves haggle in the same markets as they do and do business with the same wares as they do. Here, in the Alenic Reach we have our small state which respects its independence. And independence of our Reachmen neighbors if they are ready to fight for it.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Diplomatic Relations

Icewind Palace of CommerceMaldorian was a great leader, but mediocre ruler. He had little understanding of how diplomacy and trade worked, and was more accustomed to reading charts and sextants, eventually losing popularity amongst elven trade princes. One of the largest elven clans, the Icewinds, took power in their hands and started to develop the city as a northern centre of trade. They built a magnificent palace in Celmaldor's port, where Celmaldorian merchants gathered to discuss business and development of the city.
+1 Merchants

Delandian Act of EqualityCelmaldor grew rapidly, and its growth attracted attention from its neighbors, both good and bad. Gerudian raiders regularly attacked Celmaldorian ships and tried to pillage the city. The same problems were true for neighbouring cities, who were smaller and weaker than Celmaldor.\n\nSo, in order to fight this northern threat the cities of Deland and Mawdock asked Moon Elves to protect them in exchange for their independence and wealth. The trade princes agreed, and so a confederation, led by Celmaldor, was formed. Rights of human cities were listed in an act signed in Deland, and since then this document has been the basis for integration of all Reachmen city states, which looked for Celmaldorian protection.
-1 National Unrest
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Escorts of the Trade PrincesNaturally long wars are devastating for elven countries. In its early years Celmaldor relied on levies from the neighbouring human tribes and militias from nearby towns, and for a time they tried (and failed) to form a standing army for the republic. Instead the many powerful trade princes of Celmaldor hire their own private armies that they loan to the state in times of war, these armies were often fully comprised of human mercenaries from all over the Reach, and for a time allowed Celmaldor relative security in their endeavours. Even when Celmaldor successfully funded their state armies comprised of elven elites, they were often supplemented by these so-called Escort Companies who were still majority human.
+15% Manpower Recovery Speed

Sea is Our LandAs any other coastal city, Celmaldor relies heavily on control of the seas. It provides food, trade and wealth. But due to the legacy of the Remnant Fleet sea means even life to us, because without it our people would cease to exist. That is why our people mostly choose to connect their life with seas. And that is why our fleet should be feared.
+15% Morale of Navies

Modern Elven SeamenIts position at the exit of the Giant's Grave has made Celmaldor a prize for all seaborne conquerors of the northern seas.\n\nFending off the likes of Gerudians, gray orcs and gnomish hulks is each a worthy endevour in their own sakes, and as such the Celmaldorian navy had to modernize fast despite what was expected in their elven heritage. The ships of the Celmaldorian Navy were known to be fast and agile, and equipped with the latest cannons (despite what is said by elves and their reluctance to adopt new technologies) - and despite the navy's relatively small size in comparison with their rivals, they were known to go toe-to-toe from skirmishes in the open waters of Reaver's Sea to privateering whilst dodging in and out the many islands of the Frozen Pass.
+100% Fleet Movement Speed
+5% Ship Durability

+10% Trade Steering