Bjarnriki Ideas

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+10% Morale of Armies
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+0.5 Yearly Navy Tradition

Crown of BeraThe Crown of Ursidae was more so an idea than an artifact: whoever bore it would lead the Dalric peoples on new raids and against the threat of the giant-kin, the cursed trolls. Throughout the ages the crown has been worn by the jarl of Konungrhavn, the throne of the Dalr. The other Gerudian people are fragmented in their dominance by the strongest; instead the Crown has been passed down the lineage of the Bjarnsson for centuries, and we will remain strong through this stability. The spirit of independence among the Gerudians has led to the greater degree of autonomy among the clans of Revrhavn and Sidaett. They will bow to the Crown, as the cubs are safe under the protective gaze of the mother Bear.
+100% Vassal Force Limit Contribution
+25% Income from Vassals

Heroes of OldThe kingdom of Bjarnrík was founded by the warrior queen Bera after many years of fame and loot from raiding during the Age of Black Ice. A widely acclaimed Reaver, she led a raiding party across the world, from Bulwar to the Dameshead, observing their advanced governments and organization. On the return voyage home to the Dalr Valley, the famous warlord Kastan Ebonfrost blocked the route north through Vertesk, and would only open it at the price of half of her loot, claiming his superiority as Kastan of all Gerudia.\n\nHis greed turned out to be a grievous mistake, for the underestimated Bera smashed through the Kastanorian Imperial Navy, and even managed to take a share of treasure from him. Upon finally returning home, she unified the Gerudian tribes of Konungrhavn, Sidaett and Revrhavn against the troll threat that had invaded their lands from the Dalrfjall. Bera slew the leader of the trolls, an ungodly creature so vile that it does not deserve a name in history, and founded the kingdom of Bjarnrík modelled after the feudal nations of the south with the assistance of the Skalds.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
+25% Female Advisor Chance

Gerudian Shipwright MastersThe way of the Gerudians has always been one with the seas. The lands to the south offer a great bounty of wealth, almost as if it grew in the fields like wheat. To claim this valuable resource our nation has always been a center of shipbuilding. Konungrhavn and Revrhavn are the central ports of our lands, producing great vessels that our ancestors sailed forth onto shores far away. By the start of the 15th century the Konungr of Bjarnrík abolished the practice of raiding, citing a new age of cooperation and trade with the south. Whether the ships are meant for trade or war, our ships have been and will always the finest on the Giant's Grave Sea.
-5% Ship Costs
+5% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

Council of the SkaldsBjarnrík has been blessed with the guidance of the Skalds throughout the ages, guiding our actions. It is with no doubt that without their aid the dreaded trolls would still haunt us, for when the mighty Bera came to save our people she did so with the Skalds' support. They weaved great spells through their retelling of epic tales that bolstered the spirits of our men. These Skalds have sworn to guide our efforts in order to promote their own mission of prolonging Elkaesal's slumber. A council composed of talented, and loyal, Skalds advise us on all matters important to the state with their endless wisdom.
-10% Advisor Cost
+5% Clergy Loyalty Equilibrium

Riches of the Dalr Valley ActAlthough our lands may be fraught with frigid winters and short summers, they have always been replete with natural resources. In the year 1587 Konungr Ejnar Bjarnsson passed a funding law to re-invigorate and establish new industries throughout the Dalr Valley. Timber for our ships is available in vast forests, and within them flocks of game. The mountains hide veins of minerals not precious, but crucial to our people, such as iron and copper. These riches of ours are superior to those of the south, for we have proven that the iron and timber of Gerudia can overpower and claim their gold or jewels in both war and peace.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Modernization of the Reaver FleetsFor centuries our land has been enriched by the efforts of our valiant warriors, called "Reavers" by the southerners we raid. Our brave men and women formed fleets and armies that set sail across the seas looking for new lands to raid. Although Bjarnrík does not condone the practice of raiding, its fleets remain well equipped to protect their trade and bring doom to their enemies. It has been proven that those that work together profit the most, despite the old tales of self-reliance, and our successes on the seas have proved that. What separates us from the other Gerudians is that our Reavers understand that we are compatriots, not competitors.
+25% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Northern EmpireBjarnrík stands steadfast and proud in the far north of Cannor, undefeated despite it's many enemies. The horrors of the mountains, the gray hordes of old Vrorenmarch, the fickle merchants of the Reach, and even the unrepentant reavers of Olavlund, all have tried to bring down the mother Bear and her cubs, and all have failed.\n\nHowever, to the south of all these threats one proved too mighty for Bjarnrík: the kingdom of Gawed. After a series of brutal wars along the Giant's Grave Sea in the late 18th century, the defiant spirit of Bjarnrík was struck down and made part of the greater ‘Northern Alliance'. In the years to come the magnates of Gawed came to dominate the economy of Bjarnrík as well, and fueled an industrial revolution across the north. However, the true sons and daughters of Bjarnrík wait for the day that Gawed and its greedy hands been be ousted from their homeland.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

-10% Land Maintenance Modifier