One Xia Ideas

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+15% Morale of Armies
+20% Manpower in True Faith provinces

Many Schools into One PathThe Xianjie is a diverse realm of martial arts, heroes, and devotion to self perfection. With many of the different temples and techniques combined into a new united nation, the One Xia now commands the fiercest group of fighters Haless has ever seen.
+15% Infantry Combat Ability

Stewards of the XiadaoAt the center of Halann lies Xiadao, the birthplace of the Righteous Path and the start of the Xia alliance. The highly devoted people of the Xianjie regard it as the most sacred place in the realm, frequently visiting to pay respects and take great care in maintaining the city's image.
+1 Yearly Prestige
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

Righteous War Against EvilThe One Xia has many enemies that surround its borders, with evil practitioners of dark magic to the north, the terrifying disciplined Command to the west, and the tyrannical warlord of Bianfang to the east.\n\nAll of these foes have a united goal of destroying the One Xia, and crushing the heart of the Righteous Path. The masters of the Xia must enlighten these enemies on the power of the true faith, and liberate these regions from evil once and for all.
+2% Missionary Strength
-15% War Score Cost vs Other Religions

Creation of the Righteous ConclaveAlthough the One Xia was united in name, many of the temples still had issues with rival monks who they fought against in the past. To resolve these disputes, while also centralizing the government, the Righteous Conclave was established, a parliament filled with all of the masters in the Xianjie created to settle affairs both internally and externally.\n\nThis council efficiently solved the petty issues that plagued the nation and expanded the government's power to become a competent centralized state.
+20% Governing Capacity Modifier

Master Among MastersThe top master of the One Xia must be the strongest of his peers, and a master is frequently challenged to one-on-one duels for the role. While this seems like an unstable way of leadership to foreigners, this tradition keeps the title of Righteous Master limited to only the most powerful fighters.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

The Fragrant DomainA common nickname for the Xianjie and its numerous temples, as it produces most of the incense and scented materials that are traded throughout all of Haless. Merchants coming to the Xianjie are able to know that they arrived just based on smell alone, and the incense they buy from the One Xia is used for ceremonies, perfume, and even therapeutic purposes.
+10% Production Efficiency

A Classless SocietyThe Righteous Path is a religion practiced by the common people, with many of the local village legends being incorporated into the faith. The Righteous Path was made by the commonfolk and practiced faithfully by them, and as a result the One Xia was a state which abandoned the ideas of their neighbors.\n\nEliminating any concept of the class societies found in the Raj and Yanshen, the people of the One Xia believed that no one is born into a social class, and the worth of a person would be determined by their contributions to their society.
-2 National Unrest

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition