Pinghoi Ideas

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+40% Female Advisor Chance
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability
yes May Recruit Female Generals

Queen of the SeasForged from the union of several petty pirate fleets by Ping Shuang, the armada of Pinghoi is the largest and most organized force of corsairs and brigands in the Halessi sea. Our vibrant red sails are feared from Tianlou to Subkaliss, and even the Kedwali dread our raids. While many may pillage the coasts of Haless and Sarhal, no other can claim to be the true masters and mistresses of the sea.
+33% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Battle of Cây Cam SinhThe city of Cây Cam Sinh long stood as the greatest port of the Khom, harbouring their fleets while repelling attacks from pirates and Yanglam tribes alike. The chaos in the empire gave us the opportunity to strike at this sturdy city, however; our fleets laid waste to the city for weeks before even stepping foot on shore. Though much of the city lies in ruins still, we now possess a perfect base for our fleets as well as experience in taking coastal fortifications.
+1 Blockade Impact on Siege

Pirate's DueCoastal villages and cities within our reach are frequently visited by our sailors to extract tribute and taxes from them. In return, our fleets guard them from the less civilized and orderly pirates further west.
+10% National Tax Modifier

The Widow's WebBefore she became the dreaded Pirate Queen, our founder Ping Shuang was the wife of King Ping Jyuk of Zyujyut. During her time as Queen of the Vermillion Kingdom, she obtained many courtly and underworld contacts across Haless who continue to serve our armada, even long after her death.
+25% Spy Network Construction

Tung HoijungsiWhile our power rests in our fleet, ultimately we cannot only rule from the sea. The marines of Pinghoi, draped in bright red cloths and as ruthless as they come, act as our 'emissaries' to foreign lands.
+35% Marines Force Limit
+10% National Sailors Modifier

Queen's CodeEvery proper fleet has a code to make certain their sailors act within the bounds set by each captain, and we are no different. The Code of Pinghoi, first outlined by Captain Shuang, has served our fleet well for ages. As we have grown from a band of raiders and pillagers, the Code has been adapted to serve our expanded domain, ensuring discipline and harmony between crews.
-1 National Unrest
+10% Morale of Navies

Free Seas of PingLesser buccaneers have much to fear from our navy, as we do not tolerate scum polluting our seas, or stealing from the treasure fleets that are rightfully our prey. Throughout the seas patrolled by the Pinghoi armadas, one will rarely spot a vessel of a rival band, and only while it sinks from our cannons. Ironically, this means that many trade routes through our territory are safer than those outside, as a trader needs only pay a sufficient tribute to guarantee safety on the high seas.
+15% Global Trade Power

+10% Trade Efficiency