Liukhexingzhe Ideas

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-10% Land Maintenance Modifier
-10% Shock Damage Received

Way of the Drunken FistWhile many armies rely on their discipline or courage to defeat their enemies, we utilize speed. Our enemies cannot react to our swift strikes, letting us cut them down in droves. This speed also allows us to strike in unorthodox places, confusing our opponents and bypassing their defenses.\n\nThe reason we are the only nation to use this tactic is because it demands a special beverage that is made only in our temples, enhancing our warriors' endurance and agility and allowing for their extreme speed. While inebriation is a common side effect of consuming this great drink, it is worth the price for such effectiveness.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

The Realm of CelebrationsWhen one thinks of our monasteries, they think of one of our parties. Whether it is for a great victory or for the inauguration of a new master, we will take any opportunity to stage one of our signature parties. This has led to great happiness among the population, as well as great fame abroad. Even in the lands of the tiger-kings of Rahen, our parties are spoken of in awe.
-1% Prestige Decay

Temples of WineWhile many other Xiaken produce such base goods as silk or incense, we produce the most valuable of all earthly goods - alcohol. Each temple competes to produce the finest brew, which is then sold to other states.\n\nOur spirits are not only used for profit; the finest are always saved for our lavish feasts and to support our unique fighting style. While others produce goods that have no practical value, we produce a good that is both useful and joyful.
+10% Production Efficiency

Loyalty to the WulinUnlike certain other monasteries, our loyalty to the Wulin has been unquestionable. While other monasteries refuse tribute and send him away, we offer extra tribute and invite him to improve our mutual relations. This has improved both our standing with the Wulin and the expertise of our diplomats, letting us make both peace and brew into the foreseeable future.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+1 Diplomats

The 108 VagabondsOnce, our future seemed lost, our temples besieged and our armies shattered. The hosts of the Kai had prevailed in every action, confronting us with the specter of annihilation. In our darkest hour, a group of wandering monks, known as the 108 Vagabonds, began their campaign. They harassed supply lines, aided our forces, and sought techniques in the most ancient of ruins. Using all of this and the Drunken Fist Style, the Vagabonds drove off the Kai, enshrining themselves forever in the memory of our nation and its people.
-2 National Unrest

Oblivious to SurrenderOur nation has been invaded many times in the past, most notably by the Kai, but we have always prevailed. Citizens of other nations may claim that the war is lost and that the nation is at an end, but not ours.\n\nWe know how to keep a cool head, allowing us to maintain the loyalty of the people for longer than would otherwise be possible. A little drink to forget the troubles of the world does not hurt either.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Enlightened Sages of LiukhexingzheIn most lands, being sober is considered to be the most intelligent state of being, with the mind not being clouded with liquor. Here in Liukhexingzhe we know otherwise, and have our most intelligent act accordingly.\n\nThe enlightened masters imbue the strongest drinks in order to ascend past petty concerns and create the greatest of innovations. Some of our most revolutionary and effective strategies, devices, and laws have been created in this manner, and there are surely many more to come.
-10% Idea Cost

+20% Caravan Power