Aoshan Ideas

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+20% Improve Relations
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

School of Open SkyIn Aoshan and its surrounds, the majority of Righteous Path practitioners are members of the School of Open Sky. This school espouses serenity and openness, and is one of the more inward-focused orders among the Xiaken. Its masters are known to be pleasant conversationalists with sunny dispositions.
-2 National Unrest

Proud MountainJust north of the western end of the Phokhao Range, a majestic freestanding mountain pierces the heavens. Aoshan, known colloquially as the Proud Mountain, might be called a holy site of the Righteous Path, and serves as a spiritual beacon for students of the Open Sky.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Hanging Temple of AoshanOne of the wonders of Haless, the Hanging Temple of Aoshan is carved straight into the eastern face of the mountain. As the home of the School of Open Sky, it houses all the masters of Aoshan and plays host to throngs of pilgrims of the Righteous Path from throughout Haless.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Ancient Architectural TeachingsThe techniques used by the ancient followers of the Open Sky to construct the Hanging Temple are heavily guarded by its masters. They are generally understood to be a skillful fusion of architectural and engineering best practices and liberal use of air magic.
-15% Construction Cost

Observers of the HeavensAll who inhabit Aoshan wake early in the morning to silently watch the sun rise and contemplate the majesty of the heavens from the grand mezzanine. After nightfall, some masters repeat the process and watch the procession of stars and constellations across the firmament.
-5% Technology Cost

Mediators of the XiaMasters of the School of Open Sky are sought across the courts of Haless for their diplomatic prowess. Within the Xia, they are frequently sought as mediators between Xiaken, and the Hanging Temple is often enlisted as the site of diplomatic summits not only between Xiaken but between foreign powers as well. Notably, the surrender of the Righteous Masters to emissaries of Jaher took place on the mezzanine of the Hanging Temple in 1086.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Impregnable and IndomitableAlthough the lands surrounding Aoshan have been occupied and conquered many times, the temple itself has never been taken. In times of war, the rope bridges that wind down the mountain face are burned and cut, and flying assailants - winged or magical - are easily rebuffed by the forceful winds that can be summoned by the combined efforts of the Open Sky masters.\n\nThis fact has instilled within the people of Aoshan a certain martial resolve, knowing that although their lands may be temporarily ruled by foreigners, their heart can never be conquered.
+10% Morale of Armies

+1 Diplomats