Hubao Ideas

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+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+10% Morale of Armies

A Fortress With a StateFor centuries, the primary concern of the Hubao administration has been the maintenence of our home fortress. We've learned when it is possible to cut corners without sacrificing efficiency.
-20% Fort Maintenance

Chirun's ReformsThe logistics officer Chirun of the Winding Path proposed a set of reforms for Hubao's government in the mid 1460s, to bring it back in line with Raheni norms. Specifically, he set aside certain civilian posts to be filled by humans from the outlying districts, binding the state's human subjects closer to the fortunes of Hubao.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

The Tiger TaxThe rough hill country of north-western Yanshen is often plagued by monsters and bandits. The so-called 'Tiger Tax' is a symbolic exchange whereby the soldiers of Hubao trade the ears of brigands and monsters for supplies in subject settlements.
+10% National Tax Modifier

The Cat's CutThe butchers of Hubao are notoriously ruthless when it comes to disassembling a food animal. The Cat's Cut is a term for dried meat cakes made out of thin shavings scraped from animal bones. Tasteless at best, these cakes keep Hubaon soldiers fed even in the rough hills of Oni Country.
+5% Land Attrition
-5% Land Maintenance Modifier

Conditional ObeisanceWith no great history or mandate to rule, Hubao has developed a diplomatic doctrine known as 'Conditional Obeisence.' By holding out the prospect of submission, the Hubao state makes itself more likely to be seen as a subject to be courted than a foe to be conquered.
+15% Improve Relations

The Wall Against The OniThe lands beyond Yanshen are home to many savage men and creatures who would plunder this wealthy land in a heartbeat. While great walls of stamped earth and masonry might stymie even a raging Oni, we must constantly adopt new techniques and strategems to prevent our forts from failing.
+15% Fort Defence

Lessons of PuttranchiWhile there had always been an informal officer's academy in the shadow of Hubao, the 1640s saw a resurgence in the study of strategy and practical diplomacy. One of the most common assignments was to examine the failure of the Puttranchi Expedition of 1228, which saw nearly a quarter of the garrison slain across the borders of Oni Country.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

+10% Shock Damage