Fuulmana Ideas

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+20% Improve Relations
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Criers Of The MengiIn the heart of Amilak’s domain lay Fuulmana. All information across the Mengi lands is heard by Fuulmana, and very quickly spread by its criers. While a Talilibeti diplomat may be in every court, a Fuulmana crier is in every town, his voice alone bringing all of the Mengi the knowledge of the latest events.
+1 Diplomats
-25% Envoy Travel Time

Speed RunnersIn the business of distributing news and letters, one would be tempted to use a horse for travel, but not Fuulmana. Horses, while fast, tire quickly. Instead, Fuulmanan “Speed Runners” run at great speeds without stopping. A horse may be faster, but a Fuulmana Speed Runner will make sure your message arrives on time.
+15% Movement Speed

Those That Live In Glass Houses“Those that live in glass houses should not throw stones”\n\n-A common saying, allegedly originating from Fuulmana.
+100% Power Projection From Insults

Beast BreakersOnce, we were conquered by the beastmen. From 1156 to 1210, we were ruled by shifters, Therianthropes of monstrous strength, who crushed any rebellion with ease.\n\nHowever, one rebellion was bound to succeed, and it came in 1210, when a scion of the then-exiled royal family of Fuulmana led a rebellion against Averilibet, and managed to wipe out 2 different Averilibeti armies that were sent in response.\n\nUsing his diplomatic skills, the new king of Fuulmana managed to convince the Averilibeti to let him pay tribute to them in return for independence. This let the Averilibeti cut their losses, while also keeping their pride.
-10% Shock Damage Received

The CrossroadsMany different roads cross paths in Fuulmana. Thus every merchant in Amilak’s land will find themselves crossing through Fuulmana at some point in their lives. And they will have to pay the customary toll to cross into our lands, which gives our state a great source of income.
+15% National Tax Modifier

Glass ArchitectureIn 983, a glass-master of 43 years of age named Singas Abay left his home city of Dugiti, seeking to build a new center of Mengi glassmaking. He, along with his followers that accompanied him, settled down not too far away in a set of jungles to the east of Dugiti, founding the settlement of Fuulmana. He started a new school of glass-making in the new village, focusing on quality and using glass as a construction material. While many at the time laughed at Singas for proposing such an idea, he sought to make it reality. While he would die before seeing his dream come to fruition, his protegee managed to turn glass into a viable construction material. Every noble in Fuulmana would have a glass house of their own, its beauty becoming the symbol of the kingdom.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Glass Theatre of FuulmanaIn the center of Fuulmana stands a great theater. At its heart is a grand stage of polished granite, open upon all sides where glass masked actors conduct scenes of myth and legend, their masks of coloured glass denoting their roles in the story. Each actor must purchase their own masks for each role- the more masks an actor possesses determines how skilled they are and denotes the extent of their patron’s pockets. Comedy, Tragedy, Drama, and more is portrayed upon the stage of the Glass Theatre for all to see, including foreign leaders and even rival Mezhi.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

-25% Diplomatic Advisor Cost