Hisraadi Ideas

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+20% Fort Defence
-10% Shock Damage Received

The Hardiest of the AshamadiThe initial group which made up the 1434 expedition to Hisraad was composed of a kaleidoscope of Baashidi; the majority, however, were Ashamadi, primarily displaced peoples from cities like Qasri Dadubakha and Qasri Abeesooyinka and their surrounding countrysides. While these populations had generally known peace since the war against the Beeragga, those who came to make up the band had rougher origins. There were members of the infamous Jaqaadeeq - fierce prisoners from the Hisfaiq prison - as well as the rowdy Waraqqi of Qasri Bariga, and many of those from Dadubakha had roots tying back to the fierce Chavuma, all contributing to an aggressive martial attitude within the band. This stance came to serve them well in battle with the fierce lizardfolk combatants they faced.
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Cartographical PatronagePart of the initial impetus for sending an adventurer band to Hisraad was to contribute to the studies of academics at the illustrious Cartographical School for Studying Worldly Geometry, a scholarly association patronized by the court of Qasri Dadubakha. This institution sought to examine the representation of sacred geometries within the actual shape of the natural world by supporting Mwalim who contributed to and updated the School’s extensive collection of maps. The School contributed a contingent of skilled surveyors and cartographers to the expedition, equipped with advanced astrolabes, compasses, and other geographical and navigational tools. This detachment played a vital role in surveying and thoroughly exploring the areas occupied by the expedition, greatly contributing to their ability to organize and take in new land.
-10% Core-Creation Cost

Abroone Cismaan and the Walaalaylad of Higher ThinkingOne of the leading members of the expedition was one Abroone Cismaan, a Mwalim who frequented the court of Qasri Dadubakha. After his auguries failed to protect the royal family from a rival’s magic, he fell out of favor, meaning he jumped at the chance to both continue his studies and repair his reputation by joining the expedition. As a member, Abroone utilized his magical skills to a great degree to aid the expedition through augury and alchemy, but his greatest contribution was by far the organization of the Walaalaylad of Higher Thinking, a multi-faceted collective institution which promoted the development of academic excellence among wandering Mwalim, and was tied closely to the leadership of the expedition and state. For example, in its early history Abroone used his remaining connections to receive copies of current and notable academic works to disseminate through the scholarly network of the Walaalaylad, a process which was codified in its later administration due to its control over the copying, printing and promulgation of academic literature in Hisraad.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

The Twofold Mission of the WalaalayladThe Walaalaylad was not only significant for its role in unifying the local Mwalim within the authority of the band and state’s leadership. From the time of Abroone, it also was dedicated to converting the local populace and aiding them in developing their piety. A major element of this effort was education, whereby missions of traveling Mwalim, using materials provided by the Walaalaylad, taught basic academic concepts to local settlers and lizardfolk. This education was generally of a strictly religious context, including topics such as arithmetic and geometry that could be applied in reference to their worship, but the skills nonetheless offered help to bolster new converts' commitment to their faith and attract those who would have otherwise held out.
+2% Missionary Strength

Adventure CapitalThe massive increase in wealth within the Baashidi states and the peace of the Dasr Sharaf led many rich merchants and nobles to look for new ways to enhance their personal prestige, and financing adventurer expeditions to explore new lands became common practice. Because of Hisraad’s early entry into this area of investment, it was able to benefit from extremely generous loans. Much of the early progress of the expedition depended on this expansive source of capital, and its success only made investment more appealing, especially as different investors sought to outdo one another in an effort to gain closer ties and increased standing with the band.
-0.5 Interest Per Annum

Mashaarqas ArchitectureFollowing the conversion of large numbers of local lizardfolk, Hisraad found itself with a new population which included many experienced craftsmen. Knowing that visual evidence of devotion would help defend them from accusations of false conversion, these lizardfolk used their extensive craft skills to refashion existing lizardfolk buildings, and aid in the construction of new buildings that followed the geometric and numerological precepts of Baashidi architecture. This wave of architectural involvement reshaped the built environment of Hisraad and Shalazar as the latter was expanded to fit its role as a capital for the fledgling state. Their eclectic combination of Baashidi and lizardfolk elements led to the style being coined Mashaarqas, or lizard-mix.
-10% Development Cost

Artifact TradeSince its early history as an intrepid band of adventurers, Hisraad has profited from uncovering and looting vast numbers of lizardfolk trinkets and artifacts. The lizardfolk’s long and storied history has made for a vast number of potential items to sell back to wealthy traders and merchants who pay a high price for exotic goods. Furthermore, because Hisraad itself established the supply of goods, it has a dominant position in the market of exotic goods in the Jasiir Jadid. In fact, any relics discovered within, or even passing through, Hisraadi territory are either subjected to heavy tariffs or confiscated by authorities, making it difficult to smuggle goods back to the Baashidi market. This near monopoly has allowed for Hisraadi merchants to maintain significant leverage in the Jasiir Jadid despite their geographic separation, and has resulted in a multitude of cascading trade benefits affecting Hisraad itself.
+20% Caravan Power

+1 Yearly Devotion+1 Yearly Horde Unity+1 Yearly Legitimacy+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition