Dhujat Ideas

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+33% Garrison Size
+25% Foreign Spy Detection

The Porcelain CitiesAt the eastern border of Dhujat, along the Kharunyana, lie the Porcelain Cities. Their heavily fortified lands mark the border of the Raj and the rest of Haless. Within their walls they hold the secret to producing the most beautiful pottery in the entire world. They keep this secret to themselves and woe befalls anyone who tries to steal this knowledge.
+15% Production Efficiency

The Aorta of Raheni PhilosophyThe Kharunyana is the great road along which people travel from the southern coast of Rahen, to the northern Nadimraj plains. Among those travelling are the great scholars, the lifeblood of Raheni Philosophies. Often they meet and new ideas spring up during these travels. Because of this the Kharunyana is also called the Aorta of Raheni Philosophy among learned circles.
-10% Idea Cost

Merchants in HalessThe continent of Haless is vast, and holds even vaster riches. In every corner of the continent, you can find Dhujati merchants, peddling wares, buying low, selling high. As a result of this, any aspiring Dhujati merchant can rest assured that no matter where they travel across the continent, they will find a friendly face to help them along, provide them a warm bed to sleep in, and most likely loosen their wallet.
+25% Caravan Power

The League of KharunyanaThe Kharunyana, the beating heart of Raheni trade, has for centuries been home to uncountable merchants, guilds, conglomerates, traders, and various other peddlers of goods. However, over time, these disparate groups have at least somewhat united into the League of Kharunyana, a tremendous mercantile organisation that stretches across the porcelain cities and beyond. Although quite decentralised, the League's existence ensures that trade down the river flows smoothly, prices remain competitive, and piracy is kept to a manageable level.
+1 Merchants

Mobile WallsIn the aftermath of Jaher's conquests in Haless, the locals in Dhujat took inspiration from the sun elven phalanxes. They combined the idea with their own military engineering and developed massive wooden shields that could easily be interlocked to create impromptu forts on the battlefield. In some variations they even made forts on wheels that would be pulled around by elephants.
-10% Fire Damage Received
-10% Shock Damage Received

Expansion of the Fortress CitiesThe Porcelain Cities, though rich, also stood at the border of the Rahenraj. As such, they were constantly under threat of assault from outside forces, with said threat only exasperated by their great wealth. As such, the cities always lay behind massive walls in order to keep them secure.\n\nBy the 1600s, however, this situation became unfeasible, as the cities' inhabitants pressed against the walls, and the cities ran out of room. This led to several vast construction projects throughout the region, as old walls were demolished, and new ones were constructed several dozen attilambi away. This would begin a pattern lasting throughout the coming centuries, as walls were repeatedly demolished and rebuilt ever further away to make room for the rapidly growing populations of the porcelain cities.
+10% Fort Defence
-10% Development Cost

Global Mercantile DealsAlthough the peoples of Dhujat were always renowned merchants throughout Haless, they never really had much influence beyond the continent. However, with the rise in global trade routes brought on during the Age of Artificers, Dhujati trade routes would expand well beyond Haless and into the rest of the world; from Cannor to Sarhal to distant Aelantir, one would have to search extremely hard for a single port without at least a few Dhujati merchants. And for each one of those merchants, every deal they struck, every good they sold, every coin that fell into their pockets, all of that wealth would return with them back up the Kharunyana, and only make the porcelain cities wealthier yet.
+20% Global Trade Power

-10% Land Maintenance Modifier