Dragon Hobgoblin Ideas

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+10% Artillery Damage from Back Row
+25% Female Advisor Chance
+15% Governing Capacity Modifier

The True DragonThere are countless warlords in Yanshen, and all of them would think themselves the just and rightful unifier of the region - the one dragon in a land of kobolds. All of them are wrong. It is the right - no, the destiny - of the Dragon Command to rule over all Yanshen, and to annihilate any traces of the warlords who all thought themselves kings. There's only one rightful ruler of Yanshen, the Dragons!
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+3% Discipline
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.015 Yearly Republican Tradition

Legacy of Ran DragonsmawNot long after the beginning of the Great Insubordination, the Dragons found their greatest asset in the service of Ran Dragonsmaw, an artillery engineer (female, of course, as tradition dictated) that quickly worked her way up the ranks due to her knack for organization and her natural leadership. Ran was particularly skilled in massed fire, creating barrages that could crack open a wall with ease and a thundering so great that it could even shake an oni. She was also forward-minded enough to write down many of her methods. Now these are standard doctrine for new officers.
+1 Land Leader Fire
+1 Leader Siege

The Dragonfire CannonA lot of artillery is slow to fire, and on top of that it ultimately only hits a single specific spot. This is fine enough for attacking the walls of a fortress, but defenders are usually well-weathered to high-speed iron balls. To solve this, some war artificers created the Dragonfire Cannon. This cannon fires out several flaming-hot cannonballs, angled in such a way as to fly directly at a fortress's defenders! The threat of such a horrible death is enough to speed up any siege we set ourselves to.
+15% Siege Ability

Smoke TeaOriginally an obscure, local delicacy, the now-named "gana ninan" was discovered by the higher officers of the Dragon Command after they relocated their war camp nearby. Hobgoblin tea is known for its distinctive tart, smoky taste, and the flavor is profoundly helpful to chase away the morning sluggishness. These simple things help with productivity far more than any would think.
+50% Innovativeness Gain

Ashigaru AuxilariesThe wuhyun of Yanshen, the Ikaniwagain, are a disciplined lot. In order to maximize our military potential, the humans ought to be armed and enlisted. So that's exactly what happened - we have created the ashigaru, wuhyun auxiliaries who use more-or-less only firearms. Their high mobility, combined with their aptitude for gunpowder weapons, makes them an asset on any battlefield imaginable.
+10% Land Fire Damage

Glory to the ArtificersWhat is the one thing no state can do without? Artificers! A far cry from the dangers of mages and their inherent power, artificers are capable of creating profoundly clever inventions that are much easier for the state to make good use of. From the Dragonfire cannon to the T-Wave transmitter, there are countless inventions of great importance to any state who wishes to persist in the modern era. Those who should be honored are the artificers, in accordance with the utility of what they create, for they are the real flame of the Dragon Command.
+10% Dragon Command Influence
+10% Dragon Command Loyalty Equilibrium

Triumph of the DragonsThough the hobgoblins are destined for greatness, our history has been one to force us to prove it. The Great Shattering forced us Dragons to prove our sovereignty, while the Spirittide forced us to adapt to a world that sought to throw us out of it. Against these and many more, the Dragon Command has survived. Through efficient organization and the power of artificery, our greatness, our very place in the world, has been preserved. Now, with a state ready to bring its fullest, it is time to establish ourselves in the rest of Yanshen...
-15% Province War Score Cost

+0.3 Artillery Fire