Dhenijanraji Ideas

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+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

The Prabhi TitheAcross the Raj, decentralised as it may be, various prabhi govern their lands. Although they will not fight our wars, and more often than not fight amongst each other, at the end of the day they still pay their taxes. Given the necessity of this cash-flow to the continued functioning of our state, the administration of Dhenijanraj has been adapted to collect the Prabhi Tithe as efficiently as possible.
+33% Income from Vassals

Harimari in the Van, Humans on the FlanksThough fierce fighters, and obviously far superior to the various humans of Rahen, harimari are relatively few in number. As such, Dhenijnraj's military has been adapted so that, although Dhenijanraj maintains an elite core of harimari foot soldiers, a majority of the ranks are filled by humans. This allows its army to maintain a harimari standard of quality, without sacrificing quantity.
+10% Cavalry Combat Ability
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Rahen Caste SystemSince Harimar the Great conquered Rahen, a new power structure arose. It adapted the old Rahenraj caste system and rearranged it. Harimari sit at the top, as the class of administrators and lords. Below them sit the warriors, first harimari and then human Raheni. Below them sit the rest of the castes, those of merchants, craftsmen, farmers and others. Each filled with humans. Everyone knows that they belong to their caste for a reason, and they are expected to stay within it to live a good life.
-1 National Unrest

The Graciousness of the RajaFrom Anbennar to Yanshen, the glory of the Raja's court is almost legendary. Home to uncountable courtiers, servants, and scribes, the court of Dhenijansar holds great prestige. Often, visitors to the court are awestruck by the sheer scale itself. Therefore, Dhenijanraj holds somewhat more diplomatic prestige than its neighbors.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Centralisation of the BannersFor millennia, the Senaptia of the Harimraj have been summoned to defend it in times of war. Though formidable, these disparate feudal armies were always somewhat disorganized and lacked a central command structure.\n\nDuring the reign of Raja Hemant Sen, however, a series of reforms to the structure of the Senaptia armies greatly improved the cohesion of the Raj's military forces. The 1531 New Sashtabari Codex formalized a decade of Imperial Edicts and ensured that the armies of the Raj were large, flexible, and modern - traits they would demonstrate with great success against the Command in the Second Dhujat War.
-20% Diplomatic Annexation Cost
+10% National Manpower Modifier

The Imperial GuardThe Imperial Guard, also known as the Raja's Three Thousand, are an elite force of harimari soldiers, hand-picked from the ranks of the Raj's military based on their prowess in combat, and their loyalty to the state.\n\nIn times of peace, as their name implies, they act as a personal guard force for the Raja, but in times of war, although not all leaving the Raja's side, many will join the workings of the army, acting as advisors, generals, or in many cases, front-line troops.
-10% Shock Damage Received

The Paragon MinistersAcross Rahen, it is every Bureaucrat's dream to serve in the Raja's court, signing documents and pushing papers in the lap of luxury. Many bureaucrats dream of the luxuries of the capital, or studying under the greatest minds of the Raj. This desire for a life in the capital ensures that the Raja's court has first pick amongst the brightest minds of Rahen.
+1 Diplomatic Free Policies

+10% National Tax Modifier