Tujgal Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
-5% Land Maintenance Modifier

The White Tiger'Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night; What immortal hand or eye, Could frame thy fearful symmetry?\n\nIn what distant deeps or skies Burnt the fire of thine eyes? On what wings dare he aspire? What the hand, dare seize the fire?\n\nAnd what shoulder, & what art, Could twist the sinews of thy heart? And when thy heart began to beat, What dread hand? & what dread feet?'
+10% Shock Damage

Adherents of the Old WaysWhen our people were first endowed with higher intellect and clawed their way into sapience, the rule of the jungle was our law, and strength was the right by which we asserted dominance. With martial spirit did Harimar, Greatest of Us, win supremacy over the men of Haless, and while many of our cousins have fallen into lazy decadence in golden palaces throughout the east, we in Tujgal have not forgotten the rule of Tooth and Claw.\n\nHere, the martial spirit of our folk is undiminished, and by right of might we will once more rule.
+10% Morale of Armies

The Ending GamesA series of trials and war games intended to train the youth into the next generation of excellent generals and officers, the Ending Games were a series of exams that every harimari youth was exposed to in their 14th year. Testing not only physical skill and tactical acumen but emotional durability and willingness to self-sacrifice, the Ending Games were a grueling challenge that were criticized for the extreme mental trauma and physical damage it exposed the youth to.\n\nDespite this struggle, there was no denying that the cohorts that passed through the Ending Games together were knit together into unbreakable bonds of camaraderie that would instill the whole of the population of Tujgal with both knowledge of war and the means of prosecuting those wars.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

The Pahruavan FeudThe Mangrove forest of Pahruavan, where the shadows are long, the waters warm, and the hunting good - many poets have opined it the finest piece of land in all of the Ascension Peninsula. Though it was ruled by Tujgal for many years, the scheming lords of Rabaghekhur conspired with the decadent Rajas to seize the land in the 1380s under the guise of protecting the coast from invasion by Bhuvauri, and piratical incursions. Though we protested, our voices were ignored and our lands occupied 'to keep the peace'.\n\nSince this betrayal, we have nursed our grudge, and the reclamation of Pahruavan has always been the foremost military goal of the prabhi of Tujgal. We were rewarded for our patience when, in 1502, the slave lords of Bhuvauri approached us with a plan to crush Rabaghekhur while the armies of the Raj's were embroiled in the 2nd War of the Vizierate. Together we launched a joint invasion, with our armies seizing Pahruavan while the Bhuvauri retook Sardika, burning Rabaghekhur’s fleet in the process port. The cowardly Senapti of Rabaghekhur, seeing our unstoppable advance, fled, and we stood alone atop the hierarchy of the Harimari homeland. Moving quickly, we elicited oaths of loyalty from the Oghaprabhi who controlled the thousand small holdings of the peninsula, marking the beginning of Tujgali hegemony in the south.
-15% Core-Creation Cost

Centralization of the JunglesFor over a thousand years, the governance of the Ascension Peninsula has been managed through the Oghaprabhi system, wherein individual harimari lords have controlled personal hunting territories in the Raj's stead. While effective at keeping the peninsula peaceful, the system proved woefully inadequate for centrally managing the realm.\n\nIt was replaced instead with a new model of control based on the governorships of Bulwari realms such as those ruled by the Jaddari, wherein local rulers were rotated to various realms often enough that they could not establish local powerbases in individual corners of the Peninsula. This system broke the back of the local landlords, and though many minor noble revolts made the initial implementation of the system rocky, the efficiency of such a system proved its worth in the long term.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

The Idea of VanraharWhen central Rahen descended into chaos following the invasion of the Jadd Empire, Tujgal stood strong in the jungles of the south, rebuffing any elven advance into the homeland and offering hope of salvation to those small powers that dwelled nearby. In exchange for our protection, the former Prabhi of Amtujsaat, Umdaj, and Parus Panasur became vassals of Tujgal in the so-called Union of Umdaj, an event which united the entirety of the Ascension Peninsula under one strong ruler for the first time in centuries.\n\nIn the aftermath of this unification, the idea of a single, unified harimari state grew popular among the population of the peninsula, with many pointing to the decadence and disunity of Dhenijansar as the principle reason that the Harimraj fell. Instead of old customs, many young officers and thinkers began calling for a new realm, a complete break with the old system of rajas, prabhi, and senapti, with only one centralized government. This concept, called Vanrahar or "Jungle Paradise", aimed to see our home remade stronger and purer than ever before, no longer divided arbitrarily but instead foremost among the nations of Haless. This proto-nationalistic theory would become the guiding philosophy of Tujgal's government in the late 16th and 17th centuries as the kingdom rebranded itself, to all the world, as Vanrahar.
+1 Military Free Policies

Spice Plantation ColonizationIn the deep rainforests of the ascension peninsula grow a multitude of plants with wondrous flavors and scents. While the carnivorous harimari never cultivated these spices in anything more than small decentralized parcels before, the Cannorian traders that began to arrive on the shores of Rahen in the early 1600s were willing to pay exorbitant prices for some of the rare seasonings that grew in the Ascension Peninsula.\n\nBy merging many of the smaller spice farms into sprawling centralized plantations with the Saffron Ordinance in 1623, the amount of valuable spices produced in southern Rahen nearly doubled over the following decade, leading to a huge influx of foreign trade.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

+1 Land Leader Shock