Endhuvi Ideas

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-10% Shock Damage Received
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Sentinels of Phangban CrossingThe great Bom city of Phangban sits just beyond the river-sea Kharunyana, her lights visible from Endhuvi, faintly glittering on the water at night. Here, the river slows and meanders, becoming shallow enough that a great bridge was erected in ancient times. This bridge connects the two distant shores of the river with the holy island of Fenglan and the high temple that takes up most of its area.\n\nAs one of only a few places where one can easily cross from Bomdan into Rahen, this site holds critical importance to the Raj, and it has long been the duty of the Senapti of the East to hold this crossing against all foreign incursions - and to be ready to sally forth and lead the armies of the Raja across the river against the kingdoms of the Bom.
+15% Fort Defence

Merchants of the Porcelain RiverSouth of Semphrerong and Sarisung but north of Khiraspid and Sramaya, Endhuvi sits at the heart of the great flow of trade that bobs along the Kharunyana. Countless barges come and go through the Endhuvi shallows, loading and unloading goods at her markets before departing again.\n\nWhile many merchants prefer to trade in cosmopolitan Phangban, the city is crowded and it can be difficult to conduct deals that one would rather have no witnesses or competition for. The quieter shallows of Endhuvi, with their many small harbors and coves, offer that alternative market, and great wealth flows into her coffers despite the greater wealth that concentrates in Phangban.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Philosopher Evangelists of RahenCountless people travel through Endhuvi - up and down the Kharunyana, west from Bomdan and Xianjie, east from Bulwar and Sarhal. To all of them we have posed the great questions that have confounded our philosopher-kings since time immemorial, and we have found them all wanting, their understanding of rhetoric and epistemology sorely underdeveloped.\n\nThis cannot be blamed on the outsiders, however, for they have not been steeped in the culture of the world's greatest civilization since their births. In Endhuvi, every child learns the proper ways to speak, to act, and to think. Clearly this is not the way of the rest of the world, but like a child must be guided, so too must we gently educate all those who come to these lands in proper thought and practice, so that one day all the world will be worthy to sit and debate the wisdom of the High Gods.
-15% Culture Conversion Cost

Long Struggle for MaharaajaThe death of Phoenix Emperor Jaerel in 1136 AA sent Rahen into chaos, with myriad petty kingdoms descending into war over territorial disputes. One such dispute was our ancient and rightful claim to the fertile plains of Maharaaja, contested between ourselves and the neighboring princes of Parusad Bhola. The territory traded hands a dozen times until Ramapalar the Reunifier conquered Dhujat in 1306 AA. The great Raja settled the dispute by splitting the land equally betwen ourselves, our ancient rivals, and the Royal throne.\n\nFor many years this dissatisfactory status quo held, with verdant Maharaaja split in three, and Endhuvi waited, patient, for her opportunity to finally take her rightful land. In many ways, the waiting came to be more important than the land itself - for while the plains would eventually be reclaimed, fought over, and lost again, the standoff would come to characterise the Rasarhid people of Endhuvi. Phrases like 'stoic as a Rasarhid' or 'waiting on Maharaaja' entered the lexicon of the many tongues of Rahen, so great was the reputation of the folk of Endhuvi.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The Cinnabar Lotus Debate SocietyNone of its original six members expected the Cinnabar Lotus Society to grow into a famous organization. Meeting for the first time in 1546, the informal debate society quickly garnered a major following among progressive scholars, and the gatherings of the group rapidly grew so large that no meeting hall could hold them.\n\nForced to relocate to a series of barges on the Kharunyana to accomodate its balooning attendance, the size of the floating meeting hall of the Cinnabar Lotus would continue to grow over the next decade. Soon known far and wide as a great hub of thinkers, the Cinnabar Lotus was second only to the Hall of Endless Debate in its prestige among Raheni scholars, and famous members of the society such as Agnimitra of the Iron Way and Vishwanath Andipalar Malviya produced some of the most fascinating treatises on moral philosophy and theology that had ever been seen in Haless.
-10% Idea Cost

The Darasar RearguardIn 1572 AA, the Hobgoblin Legion took a plunge into the heart of Dhugajir and began the fifteen-year conflict known as the Great Dhujat War. In a slow but inexorable advance The Command marched south, sieging the great fortresses of Dhujat and strangling resistance in the countryside. When their eastern column came to Endhuvi, Senapti Ghirakhur of the Shadow Claw abandoned the indefensible city and took 7000 of his best fighters into the dense jungles to wage a guerrila war against the hobgoblins.\n\nIn a military campaign that would come to be known as 'The Darasar Rearguard', Senapti Ghirakur and his 7000 clashed with the forces of The Command in brutal jungle warfare and lightning raids, disrupting lines of supply and communication before fading away into the wild thickets. The efforts of Ghirakhur's 7000 are considered instrumental in preventing the Command from completing the Siege of Khiraspid, and to this day are the proudest moment in Endhuvi's military history.
+50% Army Tradition From Battles
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Shoal of Great Spirit KharunyanaThe Great Dhujat War brought ruin not only to the farms and cities, but upon the High Temples themselves. This sacrilege would bring about a much greater change in Dhujat than any could have predicted at the war's beginning - for without the soothing presence of the High Temples, the spirits of Haless stirred once more.\n\nOne rainy morning in 1593, an earthquake struck near Endhuvi. The cause was soon made apparent when an enormous catfish, its scales glittering every color of the rainbow, emerged from the mud of the river, its tail-strikes shaking the earth. The magical creature was seemingly non-hostile, and folk flocked to the shore to get a glimpse of the vast beast.\n\nThe spirit fish would eventually disappear into the vastness of the river-sea, but returned to the shallows of Endhuvi often. Many took the gentle spirit's favoritism of their waters as a sign of good luck, and whenever the spirit returned festivals would be thrown celebrating its presence. In later times the Spirit Fish would become a symbol of Endhuvi, and its majesty the primary reason foreigners visited the city.
-2 National Unrest

-1% Prestige Decay