Avhavubhiyan Ideas

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-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
-10% Morale Damage Received

Traders With Prying EyesWhile Avhavubhiya's merchants may be outcompeted by Sarkhashabid and their warriors outmatched by Iyarashar, their people excel in the intricate business of intrigue. Their traders have proven many times over time that physical goods are not always the most valuable commodity. Information can be more valuable than any luxury good, and their merchants have become adept in the collection of intelligence on potential enemies and threats. With their vast trade network, the Avhavubhiyans have gained eyes in many of the great courts across Haless and Sarhal. This has brought them both wealth and safety.
+20% Spy Network Construction
+10% Trade Efficiency

Raghamideshi Ferocious IndependenceLong have the Raghamideshi Kingdoms stood as sovereign nations along the Raheni coast. Despite their best efforts, not even the Harimraj could break them in its prime. Rampalar II himself came to the Raghamideshi cities to conquer them, and he left their lands in a casket, killed at the hands of the brave Iyarhashari warriors, not days after what was thought a decisive victory at Shenral's bloody gate. The Raghamideshi stood tall and faced down their strongest opponent in recent memory, sending them home with a dead emperor and broken spirits. They weathered that storm and came out stronger than before; they will not falter now.
+20% Fort Defence

Lake TamakhanWithin Avhavubhiya's borders lies the Lake Tamakhan. While to outsiders it is of little importance, there lies a mostly forgotten high temple along its shores, now half sunken beneath the waters. Within this temple are depictions of Nermali and Dipar, along with a number of lesser gods. \n\nAt this temple, it is said that one can see visions from the Gods, which grant a greater understanding of how to best emulate them and thus achieve spiritual unity after death. The locals say that those who meditate at the temple for a whole day from sunrise, then wade into the waters at sunset facing the west, will see these visions as the sun flashes below the horizon. Those who claim to have had these visions say they feel a greater understanding and attunement with Nermali and Dipar afterwards, gaining a new perspective on life and its struggles.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Raghamideshi Naval HistoryThe location of the Raghamideshi Kingdoms along the coastline has led to a long history of their people at sea. For centuries they have sailed the seas, founded great ports and ventured to foreign lands. Over time these maritime activities began to be ingrained within their culture, becoming a large part of their identity and history. The legacy of this is a society in which service in the merchant or military marine is a high honour, and members are shown great respect, particularly those who rise high within the ranks. This reputation and societal ideal has led to a never ending supply of fresh blood for the Raghamideshi navies, with a great many of these recruits possessing a fierce ambition to make a name for themselves.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Intercultural RelationsThe Avhavubhiyan people have long dealt with the Ofehibi of Sarhal. Over time, these dealings led to an increased tolerance of their cultural beliefs, recognising that they were not so different. This recognition led to the Avhavubhiyan people growing increasingly open minded towards other cultural beliefs, beyond just the Ofehibi. While in other cities, foreign cultures would normally form quarters separate from the local populace, the Avhavubhiyans instead actively encourage foreigners to settle anywhere within the city. This dispersal of peoples and beliefs within all areas of their cities has resulted in a melting pot of different cultures, religions and beliefs.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Turban School ConnectionAll throughout the coastal lands of the Raghamideshi the teachings of the Silk Turban dominate all others. It was in the city of Sarkashabid long ago where these beliefs truly took hold and began to emanate throughout Rahen. The Raghamideshi are the children of those first forerunners, who preached that the creation of wealth through legitimate means was the truest way to connect with the Gods. Since the time of those great preachers, they have become exceptionally good at creating wealth; and this pursuit of it has cultivated a society that is deeply respectful of those who walk that path.
+10% Global Trade Power

Underground NetworkFor many years, Avhavubhiya have been utilizing their trade networks for more covert deeds, and expanding to better accommodate and carry out these tasks. Over time this tendency has grown to such an extent that they now maintain much of this underground network independently of the traders. This separation has allowed them to infiltrate deeper into their enemies' bureaucracies. This has been particularly useful for sabotage and for hindering their neighbors invasion plans. After all, it is difficult to fight a war when your own people are in open revolt.
-10% Mercenary Cost
+100% Rebel Support Efficiency

+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier