Rayaz Ideas

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-10% Advisor Cost
-10% Infantry Cost

Chosen of the NagaFor denouncing the decadent Anzaran emperors in 1400, Zerati nagas were expelled from the country for treason. These refugees dispersed among the local tribes, joining up with their naga structure to plot revenge. Their first step was to look for a candidate capable of enforcing their ambitions. Their search stopped in the house of a Riverclaw chieftain, who brought them in to educate his firstborn. \nHe was just a two year old, sitting and writing today's adventures in his journal. This obviously surprised the nagas, as this was definitely not a normal age to learn how to read and write. But it was a good age to groom their chosen one. The son's name was Sykar. And he was going to be the one to fulfill the naga's ambitions.
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

Twin AcademyThe Twin Academy is a university founded at the entrance of Lasadzanach. There, the minds of the future are educated in two great buildings, connected by a monumental bridge spanning across the Khazynas river. Each side hosts a number of disciplines, the west side teaching the ways of the Sovereign and the east teaching the principles of the Erudite. It’s a place where every layer of lizardfolk society meets, from the poorest to chieftains and emperors - all you have to do is to prove yourself capable enough in the entry exams to become a student of this prestigious establishment.
-5% Idea Cost
+10% Reform Progress Growth

Making Soldier from a TribesmanOne of the first things that Sykar changed when he became the chieftain was to reform the army from a squabble of tribesmen into an organised force. A proper chain of command, standardised formations, a collective fund to supply the army with bronze weapons. These seemingly common ideas were not familiar to the Rayaz before and these improvements were one of the key reasons why the armies of the Naga coalition were able to hold up against professional, battle-hardened armies of Anzara.
+5% Discipline

Destined UnifiersRayaz was the centerpoint of a vulnerable coalition, split between the Riverclaw brothers, who held together their disparate tribal allies through the unifying efforts of the influential Nagas. These tribes with time became impatient and discouraged by the past war against Zerat, which left them on the verge of breaking ties, but one thing stayed their swords. A prophecy of old, depicted three brothers who would lead the lizardfolk into the 333rd empire. The Nagas preached that the Riverclaws were these prophesied leaders and thus the many tribal allies held onto the glorious vision of helping the Unifier in his attempts to form the Final Empire, foretold to be the final one by the Anzalkatsa teachings.
+10 Vassalization Acceptance
-15% Diplomatic Annexation Cost

People of the RiverHere in the jungles of Taneyas, the roads are rare, unmaintained and obsolete, while the rivers are the lifeblood of trade. Confluences are even more important, serving as a natural joining point for traders. On one of these confluences lies the settlement of Razayas, where the most common trade routes between Zerat and Karassk meet. No matter if you're Anzaran or Karassian, Khugran or Asartan or even human, Rayazas merchants can reach you from there and help you reach new markets faster than the sun sets over the treeline.
+1 Merchants

Expert TrappersThe landscape of the lizardfolk jungles is harsh and unforgiving. You never know what you can step on and your field of view is narrow apart from river crossings. This is a perfect environment for guerilla warfare and it is why the Arraskay tribesmen were able to retain their autonomy from so many empires. A stumble into a toxic flower, a road leading to a wild animal's lair, an ambush on the bridge. Those are only a fraction of many ways you can abuse the element of surprise and anyone who dares enter without our permission will suffer from plenty of them.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Sykar's CodexAs much as Sykar the Great's reign laid grounds for a massive polity to emerge, so must the effort of his son Sykar the Lawgiver be preached, as he is the one who built a structure to preserve the state from near-fragmentation at the hand of squabbling tribes and Anzaran loyalists. He, unlike his father, integrated himself fully into the naga structures, brought the most influential scholars from across the cities and along with the High Priest Ikhaty codified the law to correct it in line with the morals of the Sculptors of Fate, making it so every lizard lives according to Anzalkatsa teachings.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

+10% Infantry Combat Ability